Interested in Study Abroad? Read This To Apply SAB Courses to Communication Majors and Minors

A study abroad experience can be enriching and valuable — and even more so if you can make progress in your major while you’re there. If you are interested in or planning to study abroad, the first step is to meet with the SAB office. Be sure to meet with your Communication Studies major/minor advisor as far in advance as possible so you can plan out your progress to graduation.
Not every SAB course can be used for credit in your major.  If you think an SAB course might be suitable to substitute for a course in your major, it will need to be approved in advance by the Department.
The SAB equivalency course database is only a listing of specific courses that former students had successfully applied to their General Education and major plans. It is not all-inclusive. The Communication Studies Department has also kept track of our own internal approvals, but it’s also not all-inclusive. For evaluations of courses you’d like to apply to your Communication major or minor, students are advised to bring the syllabus, with assignments/assessments, and learning outcomes to Department Advisor Nancy Heiz, as well as Interim Chair Brian Obach, who has final approval of workflows, to ensure proper student learning outcomes and alignment with our courses.
Nancy Heiz, Departmental Academic Advisor,
Brian Obach, Interim Communication Studies Department Chair,