Want to be published ? Consider submitting your work to The Teller Magazine’s Fall 2022 Issue, Passion !

The Teller Magazine is seeking contributors for their Fall 2022 Issue themed, Passion ! The Teller is accepting of all types of work across disciplines including essays, photography, music playlists, poetry, collages, and so much more ! 

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See an Elective? Don’t Wait to Enroll Because It Might Not be Offered for Another 3 Semesters!

The Department of Communication offers electives in each of its three concentrations on a 3-semester rotation. This means that you should enroll as soon as you see an elective that fits your concentration (for instance, Leadership & Communication, Training & Development, Negotiation, Conflict Management, Communication & Gender, Perceptions of Diversity in Communication, Crisis, Risk & Disaster Communication, etc.) because it may not be offered again for another three semesters.

For Spring 2023, the department is offering: Nonverbal Communication, Conflict Management, Crisis, Risk & Disaster Communication, Communication & Gender, and a special topics course: Talk, Technology & Society.



Seniors! Take Senior Seminars in Spring, Even if You Plan to Graduate in Dec. 2023

Most first- or second- semester seniors should take their senior seminar in the spring. The Department of Communication offers senior seminar courses in each of its three concentrations but 2 of them are offered ONLY in the SPRING: CMM454 Organizational Communication Seminar and CMM455 Relational Communication Seminar. (The Strategic Comm Seminar is offered every semester.)

First- and second-semester seniors concentrating in Organizational Communication or Relational Communication must take their senior seminar this spring. (Public Relations and Strategic Communication concentrators who will be first-semester seniors in spring 2023 are invited, but are not obligated, to take CMM 456 Seminar in Strategic Communication in the spring.) If you haven’t taken a pre-requisite research methods course, CMM352 Qualitative Communication Research Methods or CMM354 Quantitative Research Methods, this means you must get permission to take the seminar and research methods at the same time. Please meet with your major advisor SOON to discuss your path toward graduation.

Faculty Profile: Meet Communication Lecturer Professor Stellina Chapman

The Department of Communication is pleased to announce that Professor Stellina Chapman has taken the position of full-time lecturer for the 2022-23 academic year. You may recognize Prof. Chapman from her strategic communications courses and work in cross-cultural communication studies.  Continue reading

Internship Eligibility Deadline is One Month Away: Nov. 11

Students wishing to intern next semester: there is one month left before the deadline!

You must apply for internship eligibility by Nov. 11 if you wish to intern during the spring semester.

Applying for internship eligibility includes completing the application and submitting your resume and progress report. If you do not do this at least one semester before your internship, it will not count for credits.

To apply for internship eligibility, visit tinyurl.com/npinternpacket

Apply by Nov. 11 if you want to intern next semester.


New Application is Open– We are now accepting applications for internship eligibility!

The new internship eligibility application is easier and better than ever before! First, before you apply, make sure you are qualified to apply for eligibility. Here is the check list:

  • 60+ total credits
  • 30+ credits at New Paltz (1 year residency)
  • 18+ credits in the major
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA

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Faculty Profile: Introducing Dr. Lauren Mark, Communication Professor

Lauren Mark (Ph.D., Communication, Arizona State University, Hugh Downs School) is delighted to join New Paltz as an Assistant Professor of Communication and Culture. She originally hails from Wisconsin, and has previously called Taiwan, Israel, Arizona, and North Carolina home. She has taught and developed coursework at Wake Forest University and Arizona State University, after working in Taiwan and Israel as a cross-cultural community builder, translator, educator, and artist. She explored Asian theories and philosophy to develop a new methodology for her PhD scholarship. She studies, writes, and performs about intercultural communication, acculturation, affect, relationality, and racial representations in the media and lived experiences. 


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