Visiting Ottoway Professor Tammy Kim will be hosting a public lecture “We Are All Gig Workers Now”. Join the free event on Tuesday, April 6 at 7 p.m. Use this link to join and make sure to register in advance. All are welcome to attend.
Summer courses are a great way to catch up or get ahead with credits. All summer courses are offered online, which means that you can complete them from anywhere you have internet service. This summer the Communication department is offering the following classes:
Registration for the summer session opens on April 12. You do not need your advisor’s permission to register for summer courses. Be sure to check the start and end dates of each class on the Summer 2021 schedule of classes.
Visit the Summer site:
The Fall 2021 Schedule of Classes is live on!
Communication Studies schedule click here
Don’t delay: Schedule a meeting NOW to meet with your advisor BEFORE APRIL 9.
Meet with your advisor remotely (Zoom, Webex, BB Collaborate, phone, etc.) to go over your Fall schedule and discuss your progress toward graduation. Don’t forget to use My Schedule Planner to design your preferred schedule for next semester.
You cannot register for classes if you have specific holds on your account, so make sure to contact Student Accounts and pay any bills that are due before your registration date. To check if you have any holds, go to and click “General” then “Holds.” Holds are also listed in your Semester Checklist.
Now that the Fall 2021 schedule of classes is posted, you should be setting up an appointment to meet virtually with your major advisor. You must meet with your major advisor in order to be cleared to register. Before your meeting, make sure to have a draft schedule made in My Schedule Planner (accessed through and have your progress report on hand. Don’t wait to set up your meeting!
Internships are not required for CMM majors, but they are highly recommended.
Don’t know when to complete your internship? Feeling lost in the process and don’t know the next step? Consider these points when trying to find, apply, and complete your internship.
Use this post to help guide your application process:
Once you get approved to take internship credits (deadline for Spring is second Friday in November; deadline for Summer & Fall is second Friday in March), you need to find an internship placement. Here is a list of resources you can use to find an internship to suite you: