Raspberry Pi WiFi Access Point

I have an old iPad which has been dropped so many times that a piece of wire fell out the side, and I think that wire was the WiFi antenna. The iPad can only connect to WiFi when it’s close to the access point or when the signal is very strong. I figured out that […]

Raspberry Pi Access Point Routing

This is the last step required to turn a Raspberry Pi into a WiFi Access Point. If you want to see all the previous steps, start with “Raspberry Pi Wifi Access Point“.   When you get to this page you should already have done the following: Configured both network interfaces, Set up hostapd (a daemon which lets […]

DHCP daemon on Raspberry Pi

DHCP stands for “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol”.    The DHCP daemon is the process which assigns IP addresses to computers when they join a network, and gives them other important information about the network, including DNS server addresses. A local network used for a wireless Access Point usually has a DHCP server associated with it. […]