The Digital Arts, Sciences & Humanities (DASH) Lab presents the DASH Lab Academy, Spring 2021

Check out the offerings at the Spring 2021 Dash Lab Academy

The DASH Lab is in full swing this semester. We are offering more open hours than ever before, and a full schedule of workshops. If you haven’t had a chance to take a workshop at the DASH Lab this semester, it’s not too late! See our full schedule, and sign up for a workshop on the DASH Lab website.

Join us for a week of virtual trainings led by the Digital Arts, Sciences, and Humanities (DASH) Lab Board Members.
For more information about each of the workshops, click on the titles below to go to their Eventbrite registration site (or google form, if registering for the consultation and troubleshooting workshop).
Monday, 11/16: Tools for Audio, Video & Visualization
Tuesday, 11/17: Organizing Digital Archives & References
Wednesday, 11/18: Data! Data! Data!
Thursday, 11/19: There’s a Map for that!
Friday, 11/20: You can do it! We’re here to help.
Questions? email: or

Melissa Yang Rock, Ph.D. 杨梅莉
Associate Professor
Department of Geography

Affiliate Faculty, Asian Studies & Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Co-Founder, Digital Arts, Sciences, and Humanities (DASH) Lab

Pronouns: she/her/hers

State University of New York at New Paltz
New Paltz, NY 12561

Esopus Munsee Territory

During the week of November 16-20th the Digital Arts, Sciences, and Humanities (DASH) Lab will be hosting a virtual Digital Scholarship Week. 
We will have a mixture of 30-minute byte sized trainings and 90-minute workshops throughout the week, held at 10am and 3pm daily. The topics, dates and times are listed below. Additional details and Eventbrite registration information will be shared in the next week or so.
If one of the topics looks interesting to you, please mark the date/time on your calendar now (save the date!).
Location: Room M36, Sojourner Truth Library  (Virtual, for now)
Sign up using your or email address.
Please forward our schedule of trainings to your classes, majors/minors and other interested students!
Questions? email


Melissa Yang Rock, Ph.D. 杨梅莉
Associate Professor
Department of Geography

Affiliate Faculty, Asian Studies & Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Co-Founder, Digital Arts, Sciences, and Humanities (DASH) Lab

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