NYS Music Seeking Interns in Music History Research and Journalism
Based in Red Hook, The Catch is an independent, non-profit online paper that covers Red Hook and Rhinebeck news. In the fall of 2023, a one-year paid internship will be offered to a college senior, funded by the DJ McManus Family Foundation. They are looking for a curious and passionate journalist, a facile writer, and someone who loves to talk to people and write their stories. No prior journalism experience is necessary.
Students, the Spring 2022 schedule of classes has mostly in-person, with some web/async and some hybrid courses. In most cases the course modality and meeting times will not change between now and the start of the spring semester. Students should understand that they may NOT ask instructors to accommodate a modality other than the one listed. Students, please remember to note course times and modality (web/async or hybrid) not only when meeting with your advisor, but also again before registering for classes. Continue reading