Non-Profit Grant-Writing Toolbox: Training at Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, NY, June 21
Here is the link for information and Registration: https://www.uwdor.org/civicrm/event/info?id=107&reset=1
Here is the link for information and Registration: https://www.uwdor.org/civicrm/event/info?id=107&reset=1
What are the ways we each continue to cultivate our deep questions, part of that human longing for connectedness, meaning, purpose, the sacred, the questions …more
1. Signs of crisis A student may come to you in tears or you might notice poor coursework, repeated absence from class, a look of …more
The SUNY IITG online application web link is now available to accept project proposals for Round Eight (2019) of the Innovative Instruction Technology Grants. The …more
Looking forward to Lunafest September 25th 2019
Dress for Success Dutchess County Styling on the Go | Thurs. 2/24 | 1-4pm | Student Union 409 ; Resumania! | Mon. 2/28 | 9am-4pm …more
At SUNY New Paltz, we are planning a Lunafest to celebrate diversity & inclusion by showing films made by and about women and to raise …more
Mission of Innovative Instruction Technology Grants See request for proposals: The Innovative Instruction Transformation Team, established as an outcome of the SUNY Strategic Plan, made …more