Resources from the SUNY New Paltz Office of Sponsored Programs: Grant Proposal Deadlines & P.I. info

The Office of Sponsored Programs has recently undergone some staffing changes. Patty Pritchard has assumed all post-award (grant expenditure monitoring and reporting) and RF HR/personnel activities for the campus.

Carrie Corti is doing all pre-award activities (proposal development and award establishment).

Guidelines for Grant Proposal Deadlines 20231002 – Accessible

For Principal Investigators: NP PI Responsibilities and Status reference sheet_20210831_FINAL

Kathie Baker has retired.

Message from Carrie Corti, Office of Sponsored Programs:

We are asking that potential Principal Investigators or Project Directors adhere to this guidance to ensure successful proposal submissions.

Firstly, if you are not already aware, the Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Compliance (OSP&RC) recently has undergone some restructuring.  Carrie Corti will now be the main contact for all Pre-Award activity (proposal preparation, submission, and award establishment).  Patty Pritchard will be handling all Post-Award activity (RF Personnel Services, expenditure monitoring, and financial reporting).

Secondly, it is of utmost importance that all applications receive full institutional approval prior to proposal submission in cases where funding would be managed by the institution*.  Please refer to the attached “Guidelines for Grant Proposal Deadlines” for more information on what approvals are required.

*We understand that sometimes it is not always clear whether an application would need to be routed through our office for approval and submission.  In these cases, it is preferable for the faculty member to contact Office of Sponsored Programs well in advance of the proposal deadline so I can assist with interpreting the sponsor’s guidelines.

It is also worth mentioning that due to staffing issues and deadline schedules, we are not always able to accommodate “last-minute” requests for approval and submission.  Additionally, there have been cases in the past where we have had to withdraw applications or decline awards due to the absence of appropriate approvals at the time of proposal submission.  Please see the attached “Policies on Proposals Submitted without Institutional Approval” for more information on this.

Faculty know that they can contact Carrie or Patty at any time with questions regarding proposal preparation and post-award management.

All of us in OSP&RC are dedicated to the success and professional development of our campus faculty.  We are here to help!



Image source: Vermont State University

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