Psychology Alumna, Faculty, and Students Publish Paper on Personality Correlates of COVID

A team from the SUNY New Paltz Psychology Department recently published a paper titled Personality Correlates of COVID-19: Extraversion Kills in journal Personality and Individual Differences. This work was first-authored by Vania Rolon, an alumna of our Master’s Program in Psychology (2017) and a current PhD candidate in psychology at Brunel University. Professor Glenn Geher along with recent Masters Students, Jennifer Link (2021) and Alex Mackiel (2021) served as equally contributing co-authors. This work is the first work to find evidence for a personality trait as predictive of acquiring COVID. Relatively sociable adults, in both UK and US samples, were more likely to have tested positive for COVID relative to others.

Personality and Individual Differences is, according to, the world’s second most influential journal in the areas of personality and social psychology.

APA Citation:

Rolon, V., Geher, G., Link, J., & Mackiel, A. (2021). Personality correlates of COVID-19 infection proclivity: Extraversion kills. Personality and Individual Differences.


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