Advising & Registration Guide

SUNY New Paltz Department of Psychology
Summer and Fall 2024

What is this guide?

This advising and registration guide summarizes what psychology students need to know about advising and registration. Don’t see your question below? Contact your psychology major advisor or the psychology advising assistants.

It is each student’s responsibility to read this guide in full and follow the instructions for advising and registration.

How do I register?

Below is a step-by-step guide for registration. The best way to make sure you get the classes you want/need is to carefully follow these instructions.

  • Make sure you understand how the registration process works.
    Basic information on the registration process is available from the Records and Registration office.
  • Retrieve your Progress Report.
    Progress reports are available by logging into Please download or print a PDF of your progress report to share with your major advisor. To do so, click the “Print” icon on the top right of your progress report, then click “Open PDF.” You will be given the option to save the progress report as a PDF or print it. Please don’t save or share your progress report as screen shots, photos, or zipped files of multiple images.
  • Confirm that you are a declared psychology major or minor.
    If you are declared in one of the psychology majors (general major, I/O concentration, or psychobiology concentration) or minors (general minor or I/O minor), it should be listed on your progress report. Many psychology classes are restricted to declared majors and minors. See course descriptions for which courses are or aren’t restricted. Information on declaring a major or minor in psychology is available on the department website. Contact the psychology advising assistants with any questions about declaring, keeping in mind that the university places a moratorium on declaring during the advising and registration period.
  • Check remaining degree requirements.
    This information is available in your progress report. Pay special attention to college-wide degree requirements–including total credits needed to graduate (120), as well as General Education (GE), Diversity (DIVR), liberal arts, upper division, and major/minor requirements. By the way, on your progress report, requirements have a green check next to them if completed, a blue half-moon next to them if in progress, and an empty red circle next to them if neither completed or in progress.
  • Look at the Schedule of Classes.
    The Schedule of Classes is available online.
  • Use My Schedule Planner to make a draft schedule.
    Make a draft schedule based on what courses you need and what is being offered. The best way to do this is by using My Schedule Planner, which can be found in Make sure to have back up courses selected in case one or more of your first-choice classes are full by the time you register. Here is a video on how to use My Schedule Planner:
  • Identify what time you are scheduled to register.
    This is available in
  • Communicate with your psychology major advisor.
    If you are a psychology major, reach out to your psychology major advisor, whose contact information can be found in the Department of Psychology directory. Share with your psychology major advisor (a) your draft schedule and (b) the PDF of your progress report. Your psychology major advisor will review your course selections, communicate with you about them, and then clear you for registration upon approving your schedule. Once you have been cleared for registration, you will be able to register at or after your time assignment.
    NOTE: Psychology minors are not assigned psychology minor advisors. If you are a psychology minor, consult with your non-psychology advisor(s) for advising and registration clearance. If this proves insufficient in clarifying what psychology courses to take, contact the psychology chair or assistant chair for additional advising.
  • Check for holds on your account.
    Look in your account to find out if any holds have been placed on your account. Resolve any holds by contacting the office(s) that placed them.
  • Register at your designated time.
    At your designated time assignment, go onto and register for classes using My Schedule Planner. Please be aware that psychology classes fill quickly, so waiting until after your assigned registration time to register is strongly discouraged. Seek advising in advance so you can register without a problem at your assigned time. Do not email your major advisor, the department chair, or any of your other advisors and ask to be cleared without having received advising from one of them.

What if I don’t know who my psychology major advisor is?

Your psychology major advisor should be listed at the top of your progress report. However, progress reports often list multiple advisors. Your psychology major advisor is one who is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology. If you are not sure which advisor on your progress report is your psychology major advisor, look for which of your advisors appears in the department directory. That person is your psychology major advisor. If you cannot locate a psychology major advisor on your progress report, contact the psychology advising assistants for help.

What is the best way to get in touch with my psychology major advisor?

If you want to know how to get in touch with your psychology major advisor, check the department directory and click your psychology major advisor’s name for email, phone, and office hour information. Your psychology major advisor may have preferences for how they prefer to be contacted. If not sure, simply ask them.

When communicating with your advisor by email, it is recommended that you encrypt the message before sending it if you are attaching a progress report or other sensitive information. Always use your campus email address for school-related communications.

When should I contact my psychology major advisor?

Don’t procrastinate! Contact your psychology major advisor as soon as possible, well before your assigned registration time.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to registration is waiting until right before (or even worse, after!) your registration time to contact your advisor. Don’t risk having the classes you want fill up by not leaving sufficient time to (1) contact your psychology major advisor, (2) plan a coherent schedule, and (3) get cleared to register.

What are the important dates for registration?

  • Apr. 8
    Matriculated Graduate student registration begins
    Summer session registration begins
  • Apr. 15
    Matriculated Undergraduate student registration begins
  • Apr. 22
    Non-Matriculated Graduate student registration begins (REGISTRATION FOR GRADUATE COURSES ONLY)
  • Aug. 19
    Non-matriculated, Cross-Registered, and Visiting Undergraduate registration begin
  • Schedule of Classes

Do I need to be cleared by my psychology major advisor to register for summer classes?

No, but it is still probably a good idea to consult with your psychology major advisor (or, if you are a psychology minor, one or more of your academic advisors) about what classes you plan to take. You can do this when you communicate with your advisor about fall registration. Summer session registration begins Apr. 8.

Must I take PSY301 Psychological Research Methods and PSY311 Research Methods Lab at the same time?

Yes. Because PSY301 Psychology Research Methods and PSY311 Research Methods Lab are corequisite classes, students must take both of them in the same semester.

Therefore, if you are registering for research methods, you must concurrently register for both a section of PSY301 Psychology Research Methods (3 credits) and a section of PSY311 Research Methods Lab (1 credit). You are free to choose whichever sections of each best fit your schedule.

There is one exception to taking PSY301 and PSY311 concurrently: If you took a 3-credit research methods class elsewhere and transferred it to SUNY New Paltz as equivalent to PSY301, then you do not need to take PSY301 but still must complete PSY311. If you are the rare student in this situation, ask your psychology major advisor or the department chair for permission to take PSY311 on its own.

If you have other questions about taking PSY301 and PSY311, ask your psychology major advisor.

What are the PSY498 Seminar in Psychology topics?

The capstone requirement for psychology majors is the writing intensive (WI) class, PSY498 Seminar in Psychology. The topic of each seminar is different. The following descriptions can help you decide which one you would like to take.

IMPORTANT: Although the topics change by section, PSY498 is NOT repeatable for credit. You should only take it once, unless retaking it under the grade replacement policy (which will replace a low grade in the course but not count twice toward your degree).

Summer 2024

Section 01: Positive Evolutionary Psychology (3 credits)

  • Instructor: Dr. Glenn Geher
  • Description: A deep-dive into the emerging field of positive evolutionary psychology. Focuses on how evolutionary principles can shed light on the positive features of the human experience.

Fall 2024

Section 01: Drug Use Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment (3 credits)

  • Instructor: Dr. Maria Félix-Ortiz
  • Description: Reviews risk factors for, patterns of, and effects of drug use. Also examines types of interventions, including prevention and harm reduction strategies.

Section 02: Psychology at Work Today: Employee Engagement and Workforce Revolution (3 credits)

  • Instructor: Dr. Stefanie Kohn
  • Description: Explores the evolving landscape of employee engagement and changes in the workforce. Reviews psychological models of employee engagement while also introducing practical assessment skills. Examines ways in which financial incentives are no longer sufficient to attract and retain talent, and how today’s employees value company reputation, core values, and commitment to growth.

Section 03: Exploring Psychology Through Biography, Narrative, and Story (3 credits)

  • Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Stellavato
  • Description: Examines psychology and its disorders through the unique perspective of lived experience. Explores what it means to have a psychological condition, as defined by western society, Through biographical accounts, first-person narratives, and works of relevant fiction, offers insight into the complexities of various mental health conditions, and the challenges, and triumphs of individuals living with these disorders

Section 04: Jungian Psychology (3 credits)

  • Instructor: Dr. Jonathan Vaughn
  • Description: Explores the creation and development of C. G. Jung’s analytical psychology over the course of Jung’s life (1875-1961) and beyond, into the present day. Examines the development and evolution of key Jungian psychological concepts including (but not limited to): archetypes, complexes, symbols, the collective unconscious, individuation, the Self, shadow, anima/animus, psychological types (the two attitudes of extroversion and introversion, and the four functions of thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition), synchronicity, and the psychoid. Uses Jungian and post-Jungian primary source material, as well as dreams, myths, art, active imaginations, and typological assessments to illuminate Jungian theory.

How do I register for PSY392 Internship in Psychology?

Students must be approved to register for the internship class.

  • Course description: Supervised experience working in an applied setting related to psychology. This course is repeatable up to a maximum of 15 credits in practicum, fieldwork and independent study credits.
  • Apply for Permission to Register: Contact Dr. Jonathan Rust for interview/registration information: or (845) 257-2373. Students must provide a resume and successfully complete an interview to gain permission to take the course.

How do I register for DIS333 Disaster Psychology?

Students who are registered for the disaster studies minor will be given priority registration for the fall PSY333 Disaster Psychology course. Those interested should contact the IDMH Graduate Assistant at to declare the minor before the Declaration Moratorium takes effect from March 25-April 26. Students will not be allowed to declare a major or minor during the moratorium.

How do I register for DIS492 Practicum in Disaster Response?

Students must be approved to register for the practicum in disaster response class.

  • Course description: Supervised experience working in an applied setting related to psychology. This course is repeatable up to a maximum of 15 credits in practicum, fieldwork and independent study credits. Requirement for Disaster Studies minors, Disaster Studies Minors only, Disaster Psychology must be fulfilled as a prerequisite.
  • Apply for Permission to Register: Contact Mr. Andrew O’Meara for interview/registration information at

Are there any selected topic classes?

Yes! See below. Selected topic classes are considered advanced classes when thinking about where they might count in towards psychology majors and minors

Fall 2024

PSY493 Selected Topic: Total Leadership (3 credits)

  • Instructors: Drs. Stewart Friedman and Michelle Rajotte
  • Description: Grow your capacity as a leader in all aspects of your life. Learn a practical, evidence-based method — used by individuals and organizations worldwide — for improving performance at work, at home, in the community, and for your self (mind, body, and spirit) by creating greater harmony among these four different domains. Develop your skills as a coach and client by giving and receiving support in peer-to-peer exchanges. Open to rising juniors and seniors.
  • Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor (PI) and must be a psychology major or minors (codes 539, 539I, 539P, PSY, PSI) or a business major (codes 524, 544, 546, 547)
  • Apply for Permission to Register: Complete this Google form by April 3, 2024.

PSY493 Selected Topic: Should We Cancel Darwin? (3 credits)

  • Instructor: Dr. Carol Vazquez
  • Description: An exploration of eugenic, racist and misogynist narratives in Darwin’s writings and contemporary evolutionary psychology.
  • Prerequisites: PSY301 or PSY485 and must be a psychology major (codes 539, 539I, 539P)

What if I want to do an independent study?

Enrolling in an independent study requires the approval of a faculty member who will serve as the instructor/advisor.

It is the student’s responsibility to find a faculty member who will sponsor his/her independent study project. Once a faculty member has agreed to serve as advisor, the faculty member will give the student the appropriate paperwork to complete. Once completed, the student submits the paperwork to the faculty member, who forwards it to the department chair for approval. Independent study credits count as advanced elective credits for psychology majors and minors.

Independent studies can be done at the 200-level (PSY295) or 400-level (PSY495), depending on the precise project undertaken. The number of credits depends on the project undertaken and is determined in consultation with the faculty sponsor.

Faculty member’s scholarly interests can be found on the department’s faculty profiles page.

What about the SONA Participation Requirement for psychology majors?

Beyond their coursework, all SUNY New Paltz psychology majors must complete the SONA Participation Requirement. To satisfy this requirement, psychology majors must accrue at least 12 points worth (i.e., 6 hours) of research activities. The number of points earned for each activity depends on the type and length of the activity.

The SONA Participation Requirement is only required of psychology majors. Psychology minors do not need to complete it.

Psychology majors are advised to complete the SONA Participation Requirement prior to their last semester at New Paltz whenever possible. Please see SONA Central for detailed information and instructions. Ask your advisor or the psychology advising assistants if you have questions.

I am not yet a declared psychology major or minor. What classes can I take?

Non-majors and non-minors are eligible to register for PSY101, 221, 231, 241, 351, and 361 (the two 300-level classes require being at least a sophomore). These classes all count toward the major and minor.

Non-majors and non-minors are also eligible to take PSY130, which does not count toward the major or minor (unless you are in the old curriculum, declared pre-Fall 2021) but does count for General Education under current and past GE requirements. PSY130 meets the GE5 Diversity: Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice (DEI&SJ) requirement, the campus Diversity requirement that accompanied GE4, and the GE3 Diversity (DIVR) requirement.

I declared my psychology major/minor before Fall 2021. What does that mean for me?

If you declared your psychology major or minor prior to Fall 2021, you are under the old major/minor requirements. On your progress report, many courses will be listed under their old names and numbers. While the course names and/or numbers for most courses are different, the new curriculum does not interfere with your ability to complete whatever version of the old psychology major, minor, or concentration in which you are enrolled. New versions of courses count as equivalent to old versions, and vice versa. See the New-to-Old Psychology Courses crosswalk document to determine new/old course equivalencies.

For everything you need to know about the new versus old curriculum, see the Frequently Asked Questions page, which includes the new major and minor plans. Majors/minors under the old plan may elect to opt into the new requirements by redeclaring.

Students and faculty after Spring Awards ceremony, May 2023


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