Generative AI (ChatGPT): An Introduction & Teaching Sites

Notes: We thought building a repository of research and commentary would be a good starting point. However, this repository will continually need new material. As you come across news stories or other interesting essays/podcasts/articles, please pass them along to:

What Is Generative AI, How Does It Work, and What Is It Good For (& Not So Good For)?

AI in Education Map
Map created by Laurence Holt

Click here for the PDF version of the image above: AI In Education Map Mar 11, 2024 (1) / Click here for an accessible list of applications: AI in Education: List of Applications

The AI Iceberg
Leon Furze’s cool infographic!

Creating Use Cases for Faculty and Staff: Lance Eaton’s slide deck for faculty/staff training. Very helpful, as is this document with Eaton’s Sample Prompts

AI Use Syllabus & General Policy Statements: Examples and Guides

**Graphics Included** Sample Syllabi Statements + Helpful Graphics for GenAI and Ethics A great Google doc from Course Hero

Generative AI: Education, Government & Corporate Projects/Resources

**SUNY Document**: SUNY FACT2 Guide to Optimizing AI in Higher Education

“I Think I Maybe Want to Try Out Generative AI in the Classroom—Where Do I Start?”

**New: June 2024** Harvard Business School: How GenAI Is Reshaping Education

TOC for PDF above:

  • 4 Simple Ways to Integrate AI into Your Class
  • What ChatGPT’s Voice and Image Capabilities Mean for Educators
  • Stop Focusing on Plagiarism, Even Though ChatGPT Is Here
  • What Custome GPTs Unlock for Higher Ed

Wharton Interactive Crash Course: Practical AI for Instructors & Students: Part 1 of a 5-Part Series (Find the Rest on YouTube):


**Important OER Resource: TextGenEd: Teaching with Text Generation Technologies Edited by Vee et al. WAC Clearing House** At the cusp of this moment defined by AI, TextGenEd collects early experiments in pedagogy with generative text technology, including but not limited to AI. The fully open access and peer-reviewed collection features 34 undergraduate-level assignments to support students’ AI literacy, rhetorical and ethical engagements, creative exploration, and professional writing text gen technology, along with an Introduction to guide instructors’ understanding and their selection of what to emphasize in their courses. (Jan. 2023)e


Prompt Engineering Guides

ChatGPT Prompt Frameworks

AI and Assessment: Some Tips

  • **Excellent Resource**: Rethinking Assessment for Generative AI Leon Furze advocates for placing an emphasis on moving away from high-stakes, written assessments such as essays and tests, which are susceptible to generative AI “cheating.” He brings UNESCO guidelines into his comprehensive guide. (Leon Furze; May 2024)
  • Teaching AI Ethics A great companion to Furze’s resources above. 

How can generative AI make my life easier?

Teaching Resources Created by Other Campuses:

Great Blogs and Podcasts by AI/Ed Tech Experts

Online Groups

LinkedIn Learning AI Courses (Offered Through SUNY New Paltz subscription to LinkedIn Learning)

a non clickable screenshot of Linked in Learning course

LinkedIn Learning has several AI course offerings. SUNY New Paltz faculty and staff have free access to these courses through: Take a look. Also, here is a new page that provides links to various LinkedIn Learning courses: A New Framework for AI Upskilling

MLA Resources

More Resources, Including Current Scholarly Journal and Professional Journal Articles