Come join the General Education Board for their Fall Forum on October 30th, 2:00-3:30, in SUB 401!
All faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend. We hope you can make it, and we hope you will bring a colleague!
There will be food and possibly some swag.
Looking for additional reasons why you might choose to spend some of your precious time before Mischief Night with the GE Board?
Please consider:
A significant portion of students’ undergraduate education is devoted to GE. (The number of credits a student will take in GE classes is almost the number of credits for some majors!)
The GE Board wants to bring faculty together, to share ideas for improving courses, and to discuss innovative teaching.
The GE Board wants to hear your thoughts about how we might respond to SUNY’s proposed changes to GE, as articulated in this discussion draft.
The GE Board wants to talk to faculty about how to re-imagine GE assessment.
Got questions? Want to debate the name of the night before Halloween? Feel free to contact Jackie George at