Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching, nominations due Sept 15, 2021

From the Office of Academic Affairs . . . . .

The Scholarships and Awards Committee invites nominations for the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching. The Chancellor’s Awards are system-level honors conferred to acknowledge and provide system-wide recognition for superior professional achievement and to encourage the ongoing pursuit of continuous academic excellence.

The SUNY policies and procedures for the Award in Adjunct Teaching for 2021-22 are attached to this message, for your reference. Campus-level guidelines are also attached.

Adjunct in Teaching Policies and Procedures for academic years 2020-2022


Exc in Adjunct Teaching NP Guidelines

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nominees must be Adjunct Faculty as generally defined by the specific SUNY institution. Individuals serving in full-time professional or academic positions at a SUNY institution are not eligible for this award;
  • Nominees must have taught, over the proceeding five years, a total of courses equivalent to one-half of a three-year full-time teaching load in the appropriate department;
  • Nominees may also serve in adjunct roles at other educational institutions; and
  • Nominees must be employed by the nominating campus at the time of the nomination.

Complete nomination dossiers should be submitted to by September 15, 2021, for review by the Scholarships and Awards Committee. Campus submissions must be received in Albany on or before November 9, 2021.

If you have questions, please contact the Office of the Provost (ext. 3280).