Ulster County Emergency Food Resources (via DASH Lab)

Thanks to Melissa Rock (Geography) for this information: a very simple webmap for Ulster County using google maps to highlight various emergency food resource agencies. Hopefully, since many people have google maps on their smartphone, this will make it fairly easy to find a location where people can connect with food resources during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Melissa has shared some resources that you, your loved ones, and neighbors may find useful as we collectively navigate the Covid-19 outbreak – especially as it pertains to food insecurity and safe access to food resources.

This map series (https://arcg.is/1TzrOv) currently includes four maps pertaining to Ulster County:

1) Emergency Food Resources (including information on food pantries, prepared meal distribution, school district meals, and Ulster County’s Project Resilience) (data collected from the Ulster County website and in collaboration with UlsterCorps, mapped by M.Y. Rock)

2) Grocery Store Hours for Vulnerable Populations (data collected by the Jewish Federation of Ulster County, mapped by M.Y. Rock)

3) Farms and Food Pantries (compiled, mapped and updated by Cornell Cooperative Extension)

4) Ulster County Covid-19 case information (Ulster County Government dashboard)

These maps are public and in circulation (linked to the Ulster County government website).

The maps can be forwarded as a collective (https://arcg.is/1TzrOv) or individually. Same goes for embedding them on websites. I have embedded the collective map series on the DASH Lab home page, but have also created a dedicated DASH Lab projects site that will host the individual maps I created and their embed codes. On the project site, I’ve also made a short 1-minute video tutorial to help people navigate the interactive map functionality (this is also embedded on the map series: Emergency Food Resources map).

If you are a member of a local organization that is organizing/offering consistent access to emergency food resources not represented on the Emergency Food Resources map, but would like to be (on the map), please complete this form: https://forms.gle/F4FhK9aXJBGE6u4x8

In the coming weeks I’ll be adding to the map series, including a map of drug stores/pharmacies (with notes on curbside or delivery policies, vulnerable population hours, etc.) and more.

best wishes and be well,


Melissa Yang Rock, Ph.D. 杨梅莉
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography

Affiliate Faculty, Asian Studies & Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Co-Founder, Digital Arts, Sciences, and Humanities (DASH) Lab


Map URL to circulate: 


Video Tutorial (to help navigate the Map):
Map Embed Code:
<iframe src=”https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/embed?mid=18ta-TZ6N8QRJRdcqaKmoP3swwNsggKHb” width=”640″ height=”480″></iframe>
I have housed both the map and the video tutorial on the DASH Lab website: https://hawksites.newpaltz.edu/dashlab/ulster-county-emergency-food-resources-during-the-covid-19-outbreak/
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