Getting Started
Important Deadlines
Course Review Process
Development Checklist
  1. Identify a course that you would like to teach in online/hybrid format.
  2. Consult your department chair or program director to confirm support for online/hybrid delivery of your chosen course.
  3. Review the information we are providing on this site to learn about your development options and to select the option that best suits your needs.
  4. Go to (Faculty/Staff Tab >> Faculty Services >> Teaching Menu >> Faculty Development to Teach Online and Hybrid Courses) and complete the “Faculty Development Request” webform; webforms must be completed one month prior to the deadline for uploading required materials. (See below for recommended timing.)
  5. The TLC will contact you to schedule your development and will set up a Blackboard course-development site for you to use in the process.

A Note About the Deadlines
Deadlines are a critical part of the online/hybrid development process: not only is there a required review of your partial content before the schedule of classes is published, but industry standards tell us that a new online or hybrid course will take anywhere from 60 hours to upwards of 250 hours to build.  These deadlines help to encourage you to give your new course the time it deserves so that your first experience teaching an online or hybrid course is a positive one for you and your students.   

Proposed Semester Workflow Submitted 25% of Materials Uploaded*
For Summer Offerings January 1 February 1
For Fall Offerings February 1 March 1
For Spring Offerings September 1 October 1

*See the Course Review Process tab for details.

New online or hybrid courses are reviewed by a sub-committee of the Committee on Educational Technology.  The reviewers will be looking at the bulleted items, below, and using a modified version of the SUNY recommended OSCQR Rubric to evaluate progress.  Courses that are approved by the sub-committee will receive "Provisional" status and are eligible for a partial payment (25%) of the financial award ($375): 

  • A course syllabus, with online office hours noted, is posted. 
  • The semester schedule includes specific assignments, as well as evaluation and grading criteria for the assignments.
  • A welcome announcement and/or a “course map” is present and describes how the course will be run and where students can find critical information, content, and assignments.
  • A well-organized and efficient course menu.
  • Well-defined learning units or modules. 
  • At least 25% of the course content.  This may include, but is not limited to, some or all of the following:
    • Posting lectures
    • Posting readings, external web-resources, videos, etc
    • Creating assignments
    • Creating discussion/blog/journal/wiki areas
    • Creating tests and quizzes

After you have taught the course, you will complete the development process by reporting on the experience and “closing the instructional loop” through one of the following methods:

  • Plan a presentation at the TLC on best practices or lessons learned during your online or hybrid experience.
  • Plan to attend a meeting of the Committee on Educational Technology (CET) and report on your experiences to the committee.
  • Plan a presentation for your department; you must also extend an invitation to the presentation to the CET so a representative can be present.
  • Submit a written report describing your experiences.

Upon completion, you will be awarded the balance (75%) of the financial award ($1,125) and a certificate verifying your readiness for online/hybrid instruction.  

Click to download a printable version of the checklist.

1.  Submit workflow request in   ic_done_black_24dp_1x 
2.  Complete on-boarding survey.  ic_done_black_24dp_1x
3.  Attend one-hour introductory meeting with Instructional Technology staff.  ic_done_black_24dp_1x
4.  Develop 25% of course.  ic_done_black_24dp_1x
5.  Have course reviewed by CET sub-committee.  ic_done_black_24dp_1x
6.  Receive "Provisional" status and 25% of financial award.  ic_done_black_24dp_1x
7.  Complete and teach the course.  ic_done_black_24dp_1x
8.  Complete "Closing-the-Loop" requirements.  ic_done_black_24dp_1x
9.  Receive "Approved" status, the 75% balance of the financial award, and a certificate of completion.  ic_done_black_24dp_1x
10.  Your development is complete!*      ic_done_black_24dp_1x     

*You are approved to teach for three years, at which time you must complete Continuing Education hours.

Faculty who hold certification or verification from another higher education institution can be verified to teach online or hybrid formats at New Paltz with documentation. Valid documentation includes a dated certificate verifying completion of development or a letter attesting to successful online teaching from the Educational Technology Coordinator or Department Chair. Faculty who present documentation can be scheduled to teach online or hybrid courses immediately, but are not eligible to later participate in the New Paltz development process and receive a certificate and monetary award.
If a faculty member wishes or is asked to teach an online or hybrid course after the deadline for development for a particular semester has passed, and if this occurs under non-emergency and/or non-extenuating circumstances (see the policy for expedited development for more information), the faculty member may elect the following non-certificate bearing, non-award bearing option in order to teach in the next semester: The faculty member secures development through a recognized agency such as Educause, Sloan or Quality Matters or the department can provide a suitable mentor. The TLC will be contacted by the department chair and outline the development plan. The TLC will set up a Blackboard development site and change the faculty member’s status so they can be scheduled. The faculty member will develop the course, teach it, and follow the “closing the loop” process. Upon completion of this, the faculty member will have a status of “certificate,” which indicates that their development took place outside of the New Paltz development process.
An award of $1,500 is associated with completion of the verification process, with partial payment (25%, or $375) upon confirmation of provisional approval and the balance (75%, or $1,125) upon confirmation of “closing the loop,” at which time the faculty will receive a certificate verifying readiness for online/hybrid instruction. Please note: To receive either portion of the $1500 award, a faculty member must be on the payroll at the time of payment. Faculty who complete the verification process agree to teach online or hybrid a second time within two years.
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