Digital Learning Conference at Binghamton University

This year’s SUNY Digital Learning Conference is taking place this year at SUNY Binghamton from March 12th-13th. While the deadline to submit an abstract has passed, the deadline to register for the conference is 11:59 p.m. on March 5th.

The theme of this year’s conference is Public Humanities. The keynote speaker will be Richard Watts, founder of the Community News Service at the University of Vermont. Community News Service is a hands-on journalism program that gives students the opportunity to report and write for news outlets across Vermont.

At the conference, faculty, technologists, librarians, teaching and learning support specialists, and students will engage in discussions and workshops focused on tools and methods essential for effective public humanities work. The conference offers a platform for educators and practitioners to share their experiences and collaborate on projects that resonate with and engage diverse community audiences.

Presentations on any aspect of public humanities or community-engaged work inside and outside the classroom are welcome. Themes or categories that are included or may be helpful to think about are:

  • Creating, exploring or working with local history collections including oral histories
  • Writing about local news or politics and creating engaged citizen students
  • Ways of fostering and sustaining long term community relationships
  • Using digital storytelling tools to create public facing content
  • Challenges and opportunities engaging students in public facing work
  • Specific lessons or approaches to working digital tools into classrooms
  • Fostering student creativity and advocacy through community engaged learning
To learn more about the conference, submit an abstract, and register, visit the conference website.
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