Registration is open for Learning Theories and Teaching Practices for Diverse Students – an online course that takes place February 11 – March 17 from the SUNY Center for Professional Development
This course (which is part of the Inclusive Teaching and Learning Certificate) considers key questions in theories on learning, with a focus on constructivist theories, as a foundation for designing and implementing effective teaching practices for students with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Participants in this course will engage in theoretical study as well as practical application. This course has the major purpose of introducing participants to some of the most current knowledge about teaching and learning, with an eye toward ongoing reflection on and revision of our teaching practice.
What you will learn:
- Apply taxonomies of learning, such as Bloom’s, to create equitable learning materials and environments
- Use learning theories to incorporate critical thinking and inclusive learning practice into their own courses
- Explain current theory about teaching and learning and identify opportunities for continued critical reflection about how to be a more effective and inclusive instructor
The course is recommended for faculty, staff, graduate assistants/teaching assistants, and librarians who have teaching responsibilities or who plan to teach in the future.
Find more information and register here!
Reach out to Kate Bohan to potentially use campus points to pay for these programs.
Questions? email