Teaching with AI chapter discussion with Andrew Higgins; Wed., 9/18, 2:00pm

Andrew Higgins with cat
Is AI the new “C”? This idea, articulated by José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson in their book Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning, has been getting a lot of attention lately. English Professor Andrew Higgins will lead a discussion of this provocative idea. We will meet at the FDC (College Hall 113) for this primarily in-person event.
Joining via Webex is available.

  • Bowen and Warton argue that, given that we can’t effectively prohibit AI usage, and given that nearly all students are using it in some form other another, work that is the same as what AI can do should no longer be considered passing work. Instead, we need to pitch our assignments and expectations to higher-level tasks. Of course, the issue is a lot more complicated than simply raising the bar, and Bowen and Watson address some—but not all—of those complications.
  • In this discussion, we will explore Bowen and Watson’s idea, weigh its merits, discuss its implications, problems, and opportunities, and consider its impact on student learning and equity.
  • Reading chapter 8 of Bowen and Watson’s book, “Grading and (Re)-Defining Quality” beforehand is strongly encouraged but not required. You may access the whole book (including chapter 8) through our library’s electronic copy or reach out to Andrew Higgins (higginsa@newpaltz.edu) or Matt Newcomb (newcombm@newpaltz.edu) to get a copy of the chapter.


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