Sign Up for Free April 2024 SUNY Digital Learning Conference: Educating for Digital Citizenship

Decorative Image of digital citizen

April 18-19, 2024  Free Online via Zoom

Educating for Digital Citizenship

Students need distinctive skills to be effective, responsible, autonomous democratic citizens in a digitally mediated society: for example, the ability to distinguish information from misinformation and disinformation; to leverage online networks for purposes of advocacy and activism; to build public-facing websites that make data-informed arguments, preserve cultural heritage, or amplify marginalized voices; to be as secure as possible from governmental and commercial surveillance; to distinguish AI hype from AI reality. 
For this open, two-day, online conference, we invite faculty, technologists, librarians, teaching and learning support specialists, and students to a conversation about how we teach the arts of digital citizenship. This is an opportunity to share knowledge and practice; tales of pedagogical success, failure, or frustration; and broad perspectives on the best way to meet the challenges of the present moment. We’re particularly interested in concrete instructional models, proposed or implemented, at the level of classroom or curriculum, for helping students succeed as digital citizens: majors, minors, micro-credentials, course units, course assignments, and high-impact practices such as research opportunities and collaborative projects.
The conference will combine rapid-rotation and longer-form presentations with workshops and other interactive sessions.

Please use the tabs above to navigate the website.  Check back often for updated information and a tentative agenda.

Please Click Here to Register for this Free Event: Educating for Digital Citizenship

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