Pedagogy Resources
James Baldwin, “A Talk to Teachers.” October 16, 1963
2 documents on Micro-aggressions shared by our sisters at SUNY Binghamton (Kendi says no such thing as MICRO when it comes to racialized aggression):
Creating Inclusive Online Spaces (Community Agreements) – Mathhea Marquart (Columbia Univ.) and Beth Counselman Carpenter (Univ CT)
Black Lives Matter @ School, thanks to Dr. Kiersten Greene
Cultural Humility – Gale Lynch (The New School) and Molly Jolliff (Univ. Rochester)
Todxs Cuentan: Building Community and Welcoming Humanity from the First Day of Class, by Mathematics Professor Federico Ardila – Montilla (Thank you Andrea Gatzke!)
An Essay for Teachers Who Understand Racism is Real, Education Week, June 28, 2020. Bettina Love
D & I Student Leader anecdotes of racialized harm at NP 2019
Resources to promote diversity, equity & inclusion provided by SUNY NP Interim Provost Barbara Lyman, Diversity & Inclusion Council & Co.:
Below are links to best practices for inclusive instruction that address accessibility concerns as well as issues of micro-aggressions in the classroom. We want to ask for your help in sharing these resources with your deans, faculty affairs leadership, and centers for excellence in teaching to assist faculty members in proactively addressing issues of inclusion and equity that may arise in the online and distance learning environments.
- This is a link to instructional resources from San Diego University presented in a NADOHE (National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education) webinar focused on maintaining equity in a virtual classroom.
- This link is to a website maintained by the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California that focuses on tools and strategies for inclusive teaching.It is organized around different facets of diversity – gender, sexual orientation, race, social class, disabilities, etc. — and includes web resources and scholarly articles from a variety of leading institutions.
- This link from Appalachian State University offers insight into “humanizing” on-line instruction.
- This blog from Rice University’s Center for Teaching Excellence offers tips on how to create a more inclusive learning environment while teaching remotely.
- This website for general audiences focuses on identifying and responding to bias incidents and offers 10 tips for identifying bias and 7 tips for responding to bias.
Resources and Readings for Teaching Reduced Inequalities compiled by Linda Gironda, Esq.
Reduced Inequalities resources – L Gironda 2020
Materials for Teaching Inter-cultural Competency
Eva Haug, What is Culture?
Derek Silver on inter-cultural competency, “Weird or just different?”
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, “The Danger of a Single Story” (6.7 million views)
You can watch this panel here:
History, Inspiration & Inquiry
John Lewis, Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation, The New York Times, July 30, 2020
On Being with Krista Tippet, July 8, 2020: Resmaa Menakem & Robin DiAngelo
American Public Media
The show we released with Minneapolis-based trauma specialist Resmaa Menakem in the weeks after George Floyd’s killing has become one of our most popular episodes, and has touched listeners and galvanized personal searching. So we said yes when Resmaa, author of My Grandmother’s Hands, proposed that he join On Being again, this time together with Robin DiAngelo, the author of White Fragility.
“White Fragility is Real but White Fragility is Flawed,” Washington Post, June 18, 2020. Carlos Lozada
“The Dehumanizing Condescension of White Fragility,” The Atlantic, July 15, 2020. John McWhorter
Black Workers at Universities are often Left Out of Conversations About Race
Inside Higher Ed
October 27, 2020
SUNY – Specific
The SUNY Black Faculty and Staff Collective’s Call to Action
(please send suggestions for additional resources to
Teaching children to be antiracist
Award-winning author Ibram X. Kendi discusses his latest book, ‘Antiracist Baby’
Racial Awareness – How to stand in solidarity
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. How Is It Different From PTSD? | AJ+ Opinion – YouTube
How Does Implicit Bias Affect Health Care? – YouTube