Virtual Faculty Tea & Coffee: First Fridays and Third Thursdays: Friday, April 3, 2:00 – 4:00 with PETS & Dorsky Museum Staff

What’s up?  Bring your pet along, or some object that helps you focus in these tough times, and catch up with colleagues.  How did this first week in your new, virtual world play out?  What strategies do you use to cope with the COVID-19 news feed and this crisis that transforms our lives?  What are your students’ primary concerns?

Special guests Zachary Bowman, Museum Educator, and staff members Wayne, Amy, Anna, Janis, and Bob join us to share images from the Dorsky and fun ideas for ways to work a little ART-ful relief into your classes.  Just wait till you meet Dolly! (woof!)

B.Y.O.B. (bring your own beverage)

Date: Friday, April 3

Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Location: Stop by via WebEx:

Meeting Information
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
616 196 912
More ways to join
Join by phone
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 616 196 912
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