What To Do Once You Have Been Approved for Internship Eligibility

Once you’ve been certified eligible to intern you may find an internship (in order to graduate you must intern at least one semester). When you do this there are a few steps you have to take. First, when you are approved you will be sent a congrats email/text, make sure you not only read the email but also to save it, you will need to reference it later The congrats email has all the steps and resources you need to find and secure an internship.  Here are a few resources for where to go from here.

  1. What to do https://youtu.be/qfh8lAfwcEQ?si=e7_clxLh_PEeNoyt
  2. Where to look https://youtu.be/P22Epg1O0yE?si=o0LIvpY_Qpbhqxp_
  3. Follow us on Instagram & Search through opportunities: https://www.instagram.com/npcommedia/   
  4. Read our DMJ blog/Search through opportunities: https://hawksites.newpaltz.edu/dmjnews/category/internships/ 

CMM blog:  


  1. Use The Big List (of Past Internships) with Contacts to send your resume/cover letter:  tinyurl.com/npbiglist
  2. Consider an internship at The Legislative Gazette. All majors are welcome! There are scholarships available for qualified students for travel to Albany. https://hawksites.newpaltz.edu/dmjnews/2020/03/09/scholarships-available-for-legislative-gazette-interns/ 

Learn more about Legislative Gazette internships at http://legislativegazette.com/internships/ 

  • Once you find an internship placement and Nancy Heiz approves it, fill out this Registration Permission Request Form.

THIS MUST BE DONE BY THE FIRST DAY OF THE SEMESTER you are interning:  bit.ly/RequestInternReg 

  • Attached in the congrats email is the Agreement Form for you/your site supervisor to fill out, sign and submit via the Internship Seminar Brightspace by the first week of classes

NOTE: Anything that says HawkHire is now Handshake!

Now you have all the resources you need to find, register, and secure an internship. Remember, you don’t need to secure an internship until the first day of the semester you are interning, so don’t panic! If you still have questions after reading this blog and checking your congrats email you can ask Nancy Heiz, the internship coordinator, for help!

If you’re not certified yet, read this!

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