A Note from the Psychology Faculty to Our Students about the Coronavirus Situation

Psychology and Counselor Education Students:

Faculty at graduation

We realize how difficult the coronavirus situation is for all of you. Our thoughts are with you, your family, and your friends during this difficult time. We understand that your lives have been disrupted immeasurably and that you, along with the rest of the country and world, is facing a great deal of hardship and stress.

The Psychology Department is doing everything it can to mitigate the difficult circumstances we all face. Along those lines, we wish to make the transition to online classes for the rest of the semester as seamless as possible. Your professors will be in regular touch with you regarding their plans for the transition and expectations for classes for the remainder of the semester.

In addition to classes being online, all faculty office hours, major advising, and registration will be online for the rest of the semester. Faculty will be holding their office hours remotely via email, phone, and online video conferencing. Again, check with your individual professors and advisors for details.

To assist in the registration process, we have updated the online Psychology Registration Guide for Summer and Fall 2020. Check it out here: https://hawksites.newpaltz.edu/psychology/advance-registration

The Psychology Department faculty is deeply aware of how challenging this situation is for everyone. Please know how proud the psychology faculty are of all of you. Hang in there. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your advisor, the chair, other faculty members, or campus support serves should you have questions or need assistance. We will get through this together.

Group photo, psychology faculty and students

Student Awards Ceremony, Spring 2018

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