SURE Grant Students Complete Summer Psychology Research Projects

Nicole Elyukin and Sarah Pallone each won a Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) grant to conduct research with a faculty mentor this summer. These grants provide research funds and a full-time salary for intensive 8-week projects during the summer.

Nicole’s project, conducted with Prof. Tabitha Holmes, explored young adults’ use of social media. She interviewed students to explore why they use both an Instagram account and a Finsta account (a second Instagram account intended as a Fake-Instagram), how and why they present themselves differently on each account, and how they interpret the experience with each account.

Sarah’s project, conducted with Prof. Corwin Senko, reviewed prior experiment research on achievement motivation in order to identify the broad patterns in past findings. She searched extensively for eligible research articles, coded each for the type of motivational states they tried to induce in their laboratory participants, and calculated the overall statistical effect across the suite of studies.

Nicole and Sarah presented their findings last week at the annual SURE symposium. Their online presentations can be viewed at the SURE site:

Congratulations, Nicole and Sarah!

photo of Nicole Elyukin and Sarah Pallone

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