
Assignment / APA Guidelines
All papers must be referenced according to the guidelines presented in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). I suggest you purchase a copy of the manual or familiarize yourself with the guidelines using one of the many resources available online (listed below). You may also discuss the APA guidelines with me.

Students with Disabilities
Any student who will need classroom and/or testing accommodations based on the impact of a disability should contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC), Student Union, Room 210, (845) 257-3020. The DRC will provide an Accommodation Memo for your instructions verifying the need for accommodations. Students are encouraged to request accommodations as close to the beginning of the semester as possible.

Academic Integrity
Taken directly from SUNY New Paltz Advising Handbook: Academic Policies and Procedures found at www.newpaltz.edu/advising/policies_integrity.html:

Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty in their college work. Cheating, forgery, and plagiarism are serious offenses, and students found guilty of any form of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action.

  • Cheating is defined as giving or obtaining information by improper means in meeting any academic requirements. The use for academic credit of the same work in more than one course without knowledge or consent of the instructor(s) is a form of cheating and is a serious violation of academic integrity.
  • Forgery is defined as the alteration of college forms, documents, or records, or the signing of such forms or documents by someone other than the proper designee.
  • Plagiarism is the representation, intentional or unintentional, of someone else’s words or ideas as one’s own. Since words in print are the property of an author or publisher, plagiarizing is a form of larceny punishable by fine. When using another person’s words in a paper, students must place them within quotation marks or clearly set them off in the text and give them appropriate footnoting. When students use only the ideas and change the words, they must clearly identify the source of the ideas. Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, therefore, is a violation of the property of the author plagiarized and of the implied assurance by the students when they hand in work that the work is their own.

If a student has any question about what constitutes a violation of academic integrity, it is that student’s responsibility to clarify the matter by conferring with the instructor and to seek out other resources available on campus.

Student Evaluations of Instruction (SEIs)
You are responsible for completing the SEI for this course and for all your courses with an enrollment of five or more students. I value your feedback and use it to improve my teaching and planning. Please complete the form during the open period online.

Writing Assistance
The university’s Writing Center offers a variety of services to assist students. Contact the Writing Center at (845) 257-3583 to learn about the services provided.

Inclement Weather
In the event of severely inclement weather, SUNY New Paltz may cancel classes. Call the weather hotline at (845) 257-INFO to find out if classes are canceled or delayed. If SUNY New Paltz has not canceled, class will be in session. Late policies may be temporarily waived during severely inclement weather.