
Assignment Points
Electronic Literature File    10
Mini Thematic Unit

·      Class Book (10 points)

·      Lesson Plan 1 (10 points)

·      Lesson Plan 2 (10 points)

·      Planning Commentary (10 points)

Phonics Game 10
Midterm Quiz 10

·      Research Reflection (5 points)

·      Final Reflection (5 points)

Poem Book 5
Book Club 5
Participation / Professionalism 10


A          94-100             C+        77-79
A-         90-93               C          74-76
B+        88-89               C-         70-75
B          84-87               D          67-69
B-         80-83               F          < 67

Grade averages will not be rounded up. Extra credit assignments are not an option in this course. You must make a B or higher in this course to proceed to your next set of methods courses next semester.

Grade Definitions:
A, A- Carefully completes all assignments. Demonstrates professionalism in interactions with peers, parents, and students. Communicates clearly in writing and speaking. Displays excellence in collaboration, dedication to tutee success, persistence in problem solving and professional development, and reflection upon the teaching/learning process. Exemplifies eagerness and strong ability to analyze experiences and apply this toward effective future literacy instruction. Shows a willingness to take beneficial risks and a strong commitment to education. Behaves in an extremely professional manner.

B+, B Completes all assignments. Demonstrates professionalism in most interactions with peers, parents, and students. Communicates clearly in writing and speaking. Displays competence in collaboration, commitment to tutee success, ability to problem solve, attention to professional development, and adequate reflection upon the teaching/learning process. Exemplifies ability to analyze experiences and apply this toward effective future literacy instruction. Shows occasional willingness to take beneficial risks and a commitment to education. Behaves in an expected professional manner.

B-, C+ Completes all assignments at a satisfactory level. Demonstrates professionalism in some interactions with peers, parents, and students. Demonstrates competence in most areas. Exemplifies some ability to problem solve, with limited attention to professional development and reflection upon the teaching/learning process. Infrequently analyzes experiences and/or has difficulty applying this toward effective future literacy instruction. Shows hesitancy to take beneficial risks and limited commitment to education. Behaves in minimally acceptable manner.

C, C- Does not demonstrate the competencies necessary for the remaining courses in the professional sequence. Infrequent demonstration of professionalism. Does not demonstrate competence in multiple areas. Appears to lack ability to problem solve or apply oneself to professional development. The student does not complete all assignments and does not demonstrate a commitment to education.

D, F Complete failure early in the term will signal a grade of D or F. The student will be counseled to drop the class.

You will be assessed continuously throughout the semester using observation and review of assignments as indicated above.