Use My Schedule Planner to Prepare for Class Registration

Our department is requiring all students to use My Schedule Planner, found in under “Registration.” This tool will help you make your schedule and have a plan, with second- and third-choice courses and sections in case your preferred classes fill up before your time assignment. Use this tool to thoroughly prepare a schedule and several backups before you meet with your advisor.

Here’s a visual tutorial:

My Schedule Planner Guide_2021 22


A Message to Students from DMJ Chair and Faculty…

On behalf of the Digital Media Production faculty and myself, I wanted to express my congratulations to all our students for your work this semester.  I won’t mince words:  this was a challenge for our students, our faculty and our staff.  There were invisible challenges as well—many of our students had to take on extra caregiving responsibilities, or work responsibilities, or faced terrible pandemic-related impacts.  Yet, you faced this challenging semester with determination and spirit and were able to find a path through it.  For those students who have struggled, please do reach out to your professor.  We are here to help you in this journey, and we want to make sure you know what options are available.

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Check Academic Calendar for this Semester’s Altered Schedule

With this semester’s unique schedule, make sure you stay updated with the academic calendar and watch for upcoming deadlines. You can find the academic calendar here or by visiting and clicking “Academics” then “Academic Calendar.” Make sure you are on the fall 2020 calendar. Pay particular attention to national holidays that are instructional days this semester, including Labor Day this Monday.

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DASH LAB Remote Teaching/Production Tutorial Opportunities for Fall 2020

Are you highly self-motivated? Love learning and teaching digital skills? A remote internship with the campus DASH Lab may be right for you. To apply, send resume and statement of interest to

As with ANY internship for credit, you must have ALREADY been certified eligible to earn internship credits through our dept to qualify.  Registration for internship credits is done through the DMJ internship program and the deadline for fall is Aug. 24.

DASH Lab internship flyer

Social Media Intern Opportunity & Marketing & Sales Internship Opportunity with PR Firm Tipsy Social

SOCIAL MEDIA INTERN Needed For Tipsy Social, small PR Firm in Fishkill

Tipsy Social, a small PR/marketing firm out of Fishkill, NY, has two internship opportunities. Scroll down for more:

A social media intern will help establish a positive online presence for each partner by integrating brand messaging in a compelling and valuable way. The ideal candidate is a creative and tech-savvy individual with a deep understanding of social media, content development, and marketing. Our social media intern will be responsible for a variety of projects including general administrative duties, creative copywriting, photo researching, scouting and assisting with content creation and social media strategy. Continue reading