Remember to Submit Your Application for Internship Eligibility!

The application for internship eligibility is easier and better than ever before! First, before you apply, make sure you are qualified to apply for eligibility. Here is the check list:

  • 60+ total credits
  • 30+ credits at New Paltz (1 year residency)
  • 18+ credits in the major
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA

Once you are qualified you can begin the application. Remember, this application is a one-time deal, which means once you are approved you can intern any semester thereafter (as long as your GPA doesn’t drop below a 2.5). 

To start officially applying, read the Internship Information Packet here:! Then fill out the application at the end – submit a resume and progress report. Read the linked articles to ensure you have properly formatted your resume and progress report. The last question on the application will ask if you want to receive SMS texts about your status of eligibility. We highly encourage you to add your number so you can be the most up to date on your status and new information.

If any part of this application is confusing or you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Nancy Heiz at (please make sure to include your Banner (N) number in your correspondence). We do ask that you read the information packet in its entirety before reaching out as your question most likely will be answered there.

Good luck! This is the first step of a new and exciting opportunity to truly step into the field you desire to work in.