How To Be Ready For Eligibility Next Semester

If you’re thinking about applying for internship eligibility but don’t know if you’re ready, don’t worry! Applying for eligibility is easier than you would think. To first apply there are some requirements, you must have:

  • 60 total credits
  • 30 credits at New Paltz
  • 18 credits in your major
  • 2.5 GPA minimum

Credits can be in progress, as long as your progress report says (at least) 60 total credits. One thing you will need when you apply is a resume. Your resume should be in reverse chronological order, meaning your most recent jobs/internships/community service/etc should be at the top. It should also be one page, single sided and should NOT include your home address. If you need resume help you can make an appointment or stop by drop in hours at the career resource center or read our blog on resume help

Besides your resume you will need to download a copy of your progress report so you can prove you have the credit and GPA minimum. To do so go to > Academic > Progress Report. At the top right corner there should be a print button. Click this then make the destination a PDF document. 

The last thing you need to do to apply is fill out the application. The application, plus the places to turn in your resume and progress report, are here. The application is very simple, it just asks you about formal information such as your major, GPA, how many credits you plan to receive for your internship, etc. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer to some of the questions, fill it out as best you can and you can always change your mind. Say you say you want to intern in the spring but then find a better internship in the summer, that is no problem!

After reading this if you have any more questions you may check out some of our other blogs, our Instagram @npcommedia, and if you’re still confused after that you can talk to Internship Coordinator Nancy Heiz.

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