Want to Earn Internship Credits? Follow These Steps Now

Internships are not required for Comm Studies majors, but they can provide meaningful and valuable real-world work experience.  In order to be approved to earn internship credits, you need at least:

  • 2.5 GPA
  • 18 credits in your major
  • 60 total credits
  • 30 credits at SUNY New Paltz

Below are our four steps to getting certified to complete an internship for credit. The first step needs to be completed as soon as you meet the criteria above. If you are a sophomore, you are likely eligible to complete the first step.

  1. Read the Internship “Packet” online and fill out the application process for approval to earn internship credits.

This is the very first step in the process and should happen before anything else, including looking for an internship. To gain approval to earn internship credits, you must complete the application and submit your progress report and one-page, single-sided resume. All three portions of this application can be found here: tinyurl.com/npinternpacket

If you do not complete this step, any internship you complete will not count for credits. Once you submit this application and it is approved, it is good until you graduate. That means if you submit this application as a sophomore but don’t complete an internship until senior year, you do not need to submit this application again. You are still approved to earn credits (as long as your GPA has not fallen below 2.5)!

The deadline to submit this application is the second Friday in March for summer or fall internships and the second Friday in November for spring internships.

2. Find an internship

Once you have been approved to earn internship credits, you will receive a congratulatory email. After you receive this email, you are free to find an internship. This step is completely up to you. You must search and apply for your own internship(s). Start early so you can be sure you have a placement before the semester starts. Follow our program on Instagram @npcommedia for regular internship opportunity postings.

3. Get internship approved by Internship Director Nancy Heiz

Once you have found an internship get it approved. Email or visit Nancy Heiz in CSB 64 to get your internship approved. Again, do not wait to do this until the semester you plan to intern.

4. Register for Internship Credits

After your internship is approved by Nancy Heiz, you must register for the internship classes. CMM490 is the internship credits, and CMM491 is the internship seminar that must be taken alongside your internship. Register for these courses like any other course you would register for. (The Permission to Register link can be found in the “congrats” email you receive when you get approved.)

Once you have completed these steps, you are all set to start your internship and earn credits for it!

If you need help finding an internship, read our blog site that gives you all the resources from the CMM department!



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