Undergraduate Class Project Leads to Academic Publication on the Human Social-Emotional Experience

In Professor Glenn Geher’s Advanced Research in Evolutionary Psychology class of Fall, 2019, students worked in collaboration to develop multiple research projects. One of those projects, primarily designed and written up by students in the class, has just been published in the peer reviewed EvoS Journal. Students in this class, who were all undergraduate students at the time, all have co-authorship on this article, titled Betrayal, Outrage, Guilt, and Forgiveness: The Four Horsemen of the Human Social-Emotional Experience. Students on this project include (in order of authorship), Amelia De Jesus, Michele Cristo, Miriana Ruel, Danielle Kruchowy, Kelly Nolan, Aliza Santos, Cody Wojszynski, Ann Marie DeBonis, Nicole Elyukin, Sydney Huppert, Ed Maurer, Bailey Spackman, Adrianna Villegas, Keri Widrick, and Victoria Zezula.

Full APA reference (student names bold-faced): De’Jesús, A. R., Cristo, M., Ruel, M., Kruchowy, D., Geher, G., Nolan, K., Santos, A., Wojszynski, C., Alijaj, N., DeBonis, A., Elyukin, N., Huppert, S., Maurer, E., Spackman, B. C., Villegas, A., Widrick, K., & Zezula, V. (2021). Betrayal, Outrage, Guilt, and Forgiveness: The Four Horsemen of the Human Social-Emotional Experience. The Journal of the Evolutionary Studies Consortium, 9(1), 1-13.

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