Podcasting Interns Needed for Humor Podcast “Just the Tip”

Joanne Secky will be hosting a podcast with the goal to spare others grief, using humor and discussion via content and interviews. She’s looking for podcast interns who will  be visionary thinkers and think outside the box. She needs someone to help edit in person, and handle remote interviews to upload to podcasting  platforms. Candidates must know the podcast arena and options for software, broadcasting, etc., (content creation will be handled by the host). The tech savvy candidate must be able to explain to the host what is necessary to best meet her goals, accepting that she has limited knowledge as to what options are – she would like to be able to learn to best make decisions about maintenance and growth. Candidates must bring to the table:  attention to detail, critical thinking, excellent communication skills, and honest approach to work. 

This 3 credit internship will focus on the ins and outs of starting/building a podcast. The internship will start out strictly with audio work but will transition into video podcasts as well. 

The candidates are expected to know how to  set up equipment like finger pads/musical spots, and support underwriting/sponsorship opportunities. Solicitation of sponsors will be handled by the host. The podcast will be in her private home in Gardiner, so candidates must have transportation. The ideal time to work on will be early mornings on weekends.

The intern must be on time, and be able to schedule their time and tasks with clarity, and commitment. They must be prepared to be the ”right arm” for said tech ignorant host – keeping to manageable goals and measures for outcome. They must be prepared to share strengths and weaknesses, so the team of two is sound.

The host has 30 years of business/financial/entrepreneurial/comedy experience, but little podcast experience. Candidate must be ok with the host’s sense of humor and use of language. Please ask if you require more information.

To apply, email resume to Joanne Secky at: jsecky@gmail.com