Local Community Publication Seeks Editorial, Advertising and Social Media Interns for Fall 2021

GARDINER GAZETTE INTERN 2021 (In-person and remote; transportation helpful to visit businesses in Gardiner, just 7 miles south of New Paltz campus)

The Gardiner Gazette, a quarterly, community publication that has covered the Town of Gardiner for more than 12 years and has a track record for community building and inclusiveness, seeks interns for Fall 2021.

Here’s an opportunity to intern for a longstanding, local community publication where you will have the opportunity to work alongside a team of community members and volunteers across key areas that include – editorial, marketing and social media, advertising, and journalistic writing. The internship will be customized based on the intern’s areas of interest and focus in their studies.  

Focuses & Responsibilities  

 Interns will perform the following duties for the Gardiner Gazette; responsibilities include: 

  • Fact-checking 
  • Article research, proofreading, photo outreach 
  • Writing stories print and online 
  • Assisting staff with other functions necessary to produce a quarterly publication and its website (photo shoots, administrative duties, etc.) 
  • Pitching and brainstorming content for future issues  
  • Coordinating development programs and events; attending events (if possible; not required) 
  • Advertising – interacting with local community advertisers and researching potential new ones 
  • Those studying (or interested in studying) journalism, English, magazine publishing, mass communications, social media, and other editorial disciplines should apply. 

To apply, please email cover letter, resume, and writing samples to Misha Fredericks, Managing Editor, gardinergazetteny@gmail.com, as well as Amber Mundinger-Glaeser, Editor: amber@theartistsden.com  

Visit the website: https://gardinergazette.com/