The rise and fall between cars and horse and buggies is that the rise of use of cars is far greater then the use of horse and buggy. When you drive a car is more convenient because a car is a dispensable item in which if a part in the car fails you can easily replace it. If there was something wrong with the horse and buggy its another story. Sure it is easy to fix the buggy but if something is wrong with the horse you have to find another one or have a veterinarian check it out, which could be more money. Another reason why the car was way more successful then the horse and buggy is because people care so greatly about their image in the view others in society. Also when it comes to cold weather you have to keep the horse or horses inside of a barn, while if you had a car you can just leave it outside. The use of horse and buggies died out because cars made things easier to transport items as well as more people. Horse and buggies were only meant to transport maybe one to two people and if lucky maybe three depending on the size of the buggy. When looking at the graph between cars and horse and buggy the cars has a constant increase with some drops. While the horse and buggy line looks like it is flat lining with little to no increase. What I saw for horse and buggy was surprising because there was a slight rise towards the end of the 1800’s going into the 1900’s. Aside from the horse and buggy people also rode the horses without the buggy attached but that required a great amount of skills as supposed to attaching the horse to the buggy.