In this book, published in 1908, I could immediately tell that the previous owner was very passionate about the works he/she was reading. Even in just the table of contents, we can immediately see his/her fascination with the works he/she was about to read or even re-read. I found myself wondering if the work underlined was his/her favorite, or if the check marks next to certain works meant something significant to him/her.
In thumbing through some of my own personal favorite Wordworth works, I found descriptive marginalia left by whomever else had enjoyed the romantic poems of Wordworth. The writing in this book shows that the person who had previously owned/read this book was very interested in deciphering the true meanings of the writings.
Sometimes Wordsworths’ sonnets can be difficult to interpret, but the previous owner shows his dedication in trying to understand what he was reading.
The stains in the book also show how invested the person mustve been in what he was reading.
I am a huge Wordsworth fan myself, and being able to find interesting book traces in a book that I was interested in reading myself was very exciting. Though the marginalia didnt directly tell me anything about the previous owner, it reminded me alot of myself and the way i read. No matter what i am reading, i am constantly using the margins to clarify what I am reading, even if occasionally i may be wrong. This assignment also excited me with the thought that maybe someday my notes in a book may become something to marvel at.