Wordle- A Case of Identity

Honestly speaking, I was confused as to how Wordle worked. I didn’t know if I had to relate the color and style of my font to my text, or just create an aesthetic appeal that would simply be pretty to look at. So many questions popped up in my head. What text should I use? Should I use all of the text? Would using all of the words give the viewers a specific aspect to ponder upon?  I was relieved to see that many of my classmates had posted before me, so I could get a feel as to what to write about and how to start this assignment.

I decided that my wordle should be a flagrant representation of what my text was about, and highlight keywords as effectively as possible. I thought this would be more useful rather than trying to get my text to look like it belonged to certain “theme”. Wordle.net was a easy tool that methodically aided me in understanding the key words and topics in the text that I imported. The words that were visualized as the largest words are “Holmes”, “Hosmer”, “father”, “mother”, “interest”, “Angel”, and “woman”. These words are primary and highly crucial to the story and gives the audience a broad concept and understanding of what A Case of Identity  is really about. “Holmes” is obviously significiant in the story  as he solves the mystery, as Hosmer is the name of the fake lover. I utilized the option to discard all of the common names, however, “Mr.” was included in one of the most appeared words.

Overall, the aesthetic effect was my favorite part to edit, as I added a black background with bright and slightly highlighted words. The color aspect contains cool and serene colors and are easy to the eye. Wordle.net is a methodically fun and handy website that I will probably use to comprehend a numerous amount of written and eligible works!

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