Remember, There is a New Application for Internship Eligibility!

Ever since SUNY New Paltz made the jump from ‘Blackboard’ to ‘Brightspace’, we had to adapt our old application for internship eligibility. Luckily, nothing much has changed except it’s now easier and better than ever before! First, before you apply, make sure you are qualified to apply for eligibility. Here is the checklist: Continue reading

New Application is Open– We are now accepting applications for internship eligibility!

The new internship eligibility application is easier and better than ever before! First, before you apply, make sure you are qualified to apply for eligibility. Here is the check list:

  • 60+ total credits
  • 30+ credits at New Paltz (1 year residency)
  • 18+ credits in the major
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA

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