Summer Solstice 2019 in Wooster Hall

Wooster Hall main staircase at noon on the Summer Solstice of 2019.

As we have done in past years, a small group of those interested came to Wooster Hall to observe the skylight lights cross over the staircase at Solar Noon (at 12:58:16 EDT). This year the actual Solstice (at 11:54 EDT) was very close to the same time, which is not always the case. Raj Pandya, director of the John R. Kirk Planetarium, lead everyone there through the simple calculation of the highest angle of the sun that day.
I set up my network camera to make the following time-lapse video:

The reason we are all supposedly there is to watch the bars of light crossing the upper staircase, but it looks to me like people were more interested in everyone else. Which may be as it should be.