Important Dates
- Friday September 14th: GO TO LIBRARYfor DASHlab and SJT Training
- Friday September 21st: GO TO LIBRARY for DASHlab and SJT Training
- Friday September 21st: Check in with Professor about First Podcast by today
- Sunday September 30th: First Podcast DUE by 11:59PM
- Tuesday October 9th: Fall Break No Class
- Tuesday October 16th: Intersectionality Midterm Essay DUE in class–hand in double sided, properly formatted hardcopy
- Tuesday October 16th: Midpoint of semester
- Friday October 26th: Podcast Peer Review and Twitter Chat instead of seated class, see below for details.
- Friday November 9th:Live Twitter Chat instead of seated class, see below for details. Check in with Professor about Second Podcast by today
- Tuesday November 20th: Second Podcast DUE by 11:59PM
- Friday November 23rd: Turkey Day No Class
- Sunday November 25th: Your final paper outline is due to professor today by 11:59PM.
- November 26 – December 10: Student Evaluation of Instructor Period
- Tuesday December 4th: Draft of final essay DUE in class
- Friday December 7th: Last Day of Class (Final Paper Workshop)
- Monday December 10th: Final Paper Due; drop off at Southside by 5PM.
- Friday December 14th10:15AM-12:15PM: Final Exam Day
*Note: Your reading comprehension sheets due on a rolling basis; 20 in total are required, 23 opportunities are listed. You get 3 “freebie” days.*
Meeting Schedule
Tuesday, August 28th | Course Introduction
- What Does Feminist Theory do? What can we do with it? Digital Feminism on Twitter!
Friday, August 31st| Theorizing Feminist Times & Spaces
- Readings: FTR Introduction READ SELECTIONS: pages 1-5; box on 14; and then 15-29 (including the boxes on Reagon, de Beauvoir, Rubin, Scott, and Gramsci).
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Tuesday, September 4th | Feminist Movements
- Readings: FTR p. 31-62 (Akiko, Hewitt, Nicholson, and Thompson) and PDF Smith “Native American Feminism, Sovereignty, and Social Change” p. 321-331.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: This week you’ll begin listening to assigned podcasts during hybrid time. Pay attention to not only content, but form: tone, transitions, language, etc. we will do our best to incorporate the podcasts into the Friday lessons, but you should feel free to engage the class on Twitter!
Hybrid Time: Listen to: State of Resistance with Sally Kohn Episode: Linda Sarsour Joins Sally. Read “Use Your Voice” Podcast Guidelines and come to Friday class with 2 questions.
Friday, September 7th | Feminist Movements, continued
- Readings: FTR p. 63-86 (Basu, Cobble, Rowley); and PDF: Laura Briggs, “Transnational” pages 1-14.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: Podcast guideline questions? Also, if you are celebrating and/or out of town for Rosh Hashanah the 10thand 11th use a freebie day to skip the comp sheet assignment for Tuesday OR do it ahead of time.
Tuesday, September 11th | Local Identities & Politics
- Readings: FTR p. 87-114 (Rukeyser, Reed, Kandiyoti, Martinez)
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Hybrid Time: Listen to: NPR Code Switch Episode: What We Inherit
Friday, September 14th | DASHlab and STL Podcast Production Training Part 1
- Readings: PDF: Shari Stone-Mediatore, “Storytelling/Narrative” pages 1-22. With this reading, listen to a section of Locatora RadioEpisode: Capítulo 045: Erotic As Power Start at minute 26 and listen to the end.
- Special Note: In lieu of class, we will visit the DASHlabin the Sojourner Truth Library. Meet at the front desk of the library promptly at the start of class time.
- The class will split into two groups, rotating between sound booth/hardware and audio research. Prepare for class by thinking through this prompt: how might we narrate our stories with sound? What is a feminist sound?
Tuesday, September 18th | Local Identities & Politics, continued
- Readings: FTR p. 115-160 (Combahee, Firestone, Clarke, Miriam, Koyama) and PDF Feinberg, “Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come” pages 148-158.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Hybrid Time: Listen to: #GoodMuslimBadMuslim Episode: 001 How Muslim Are You? In addition to the podcasts assigned to you, you should be researching podcasts that stem from your particular interests so you can incorporate them into your podcasts.
Friday, September 21st | DASHlab and STL Podcast Production Training Part Two
- Special Note: In lieu of class, we will once again visit the DASHlabin the Sojourner Truth Library. Meet at the front desk of the library promptly at the start of class time. The class will split into two groups, rotating between audacity/software and fair use guidelines. Prepare for class by bringing a draft of your first podcast including a script (at least 1.5 minutes worth) and 3 ideas/sources for sound clips (preferably ones you are unsure of in terms of copyright laws).
- Reminder to check in with Professor about first podcast by today!
Tuesday, September 25th | Theorizing Intersecting Identities; Intersectionality as Method
- Readings: FTR p. 161-181; 194-212 (including boxes on Crenshaw, Marx, Said, Rich, Anzaldúa; essays by Nash and Patil) and skim Dill & Zambrana (p. 182-193).
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: We will use the Dill & Zambrana to fill out an “intersectionality worksheet”—come to class with a social issue you’d like to think through using an intersectional lens.
Hybrid Time: Listen to: Stuff Mom Never Told You: The Queer Saint Who Invented Intersectionality
Friday, September 28th | Social Processes/Configuring Differences
- Readings: FTR p. 213-253 (Hartmann, Parreñas, Abu-Lughod)
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- In class: we will re-visit Miriam reading.
Sunday September 30th: First Podcast DUE by 11:59PM
Tuesday, October 2nd | Social Processes/Configuring Differences, continued
- Readings: FTR p. 254-300 (Sinha, Smith, Wittig, Connell)
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Hybrid Time: Listen to: The Black Joy Mixtape Episode: #45 Reproductive Justice Now
Friday, October 5th | Boundaries and Belongings
- Readings: FTR p. 301-324 (skip Cantú); 335-350 (Rushin, Jordan, Pratt, Lorde, Ahmed, Nnaemeka)
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: Don’t forget! Intersectionality Midterm Essay is due Sunday October 14thby 11:59PM. We will go over assignment today.
Tuesday, October 9th | Fall break – NO CLASSES
Hybrid Time:Listen to: Bitch Media Episode: Backtalk: The Myth of Racism Against White People; Listen to: Bitch Media Popaganda Episode: Queering Virginity
Friday, October 12th | Theorizing Feminist Knowledge and Agency
- Readings: FTR p. 351-366 (including the boxes on Collins, Mohanty, Althusser, Foucault, Butler); PDF: Pateman “The Theoretical Subversiveness of Feminism” and PDF: Garriga-López “Transfeminist Crossroads: Reimagining the Ecuadorian State” pages 104-119.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Tuesday, October 16th | Standpoints and Situational Knowledge
- Readings: FTR p. 367-400 (Hartsock, Collins) and Garland-Thomson “Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory” pages 1-32.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: Intersectionality Midterm Essay DUE in class!
- Mid-Point of Fall 2017 semester.
Hybrid Time: Listen to: Stuff Mom Never Told You Episode: Disabled Isn’t a Dirty Word
Friday, October 19th | Standpoints and Situational Knowledge, continued
- Readings: FTR p. 401-438 (Mohanty, Cohen, Moraga) and PDF: Trinh T. Minh-ha, “From Woman, Native, Other (1989)” pages 378-381.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Tuesday, October 23rd | Subject Formation and Performativity
- Readings: FTR p. 466-492 (Bartky, Butler) and PDF Lourdes Torres “Queering Puerto Rican Women’s Narratives: Gaps and Silences in the Memoirs of Antonia Pantoja and Luisita López Torregrosa” pages 83-112.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Hybrid Time: Listen to: Feminasty Episode: Anger with Activist Soraya Chemaly
Friday, October 26th | Subject Formation and Performativity, continued
- Readings: FTR p. 439-465 (Haraway, Mani)
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- ONLINE Class: Pick TWO of your classmates’ podcasts and review them. Consider: Structure (how the podcast is organized); Delivery (speed, pace, tone of narration); Content (how the podcast addressed the prompt and incorporated the readings from class); Creativity (sounds, clips, effects); and Accessibility (Language used in podcast accessible to non-academic public?). Scroll through our hashtag to make sure you don’t review the same ones as everyone else. For each podcast, tweet “I just listened to [insert link] and here is some feedback!” Then, in subsequent tweets (in a thread) post four notes: two aspects you liked and two aspects you have ideas on how to improve. Tag me in the first tweet of the thread.
Tuesday, October 30th | Bodies and Binaries
- Readings: PDF: Hemmings “Representing the Middle Ground on Bisexuality and Transexuality” (a note on the Hemmings-don’t panic! The text is huge on the page so it’s really like 30 pages) and PDF Rodríguez “Queer Politics, Bisexual Erasure: Sexuality at the Nexus of Race, Gender, and Statistics” pages 169-179.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: Last day for Course Withdrawal.
Hybrid Time: Listen to: Stuff Mom Never Told You Episode: Pansexuality.
Friday, November 2nd | Bodies and Binaries
- Readings: PDF Ann Fausto Sterling,“Dualing Dualisms” pages 1-29 and PDF: Hortense J. Spillers, “Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe: An American Grammar Book” Diacritics 17, No. 2, Culture and Countermemory: The “American” Connection (Summer, 1987), pp. 64-81
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Note: Monday November 5 is Black Solidarity Day
Tuesday, November 6th | Bodies and Binaries
- Readings: Cixous “The Laugh of the Medusa” pages 875-893 and PDF: Roen “Transgender Theory and Embodiment” pages 656-665 and PDF Byrd “Loving Unbecoming: The Queer Politics of the Transitive Native” pages 207-226.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: Last day for student elected Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Hybrid Time: Listen to: How to Survive the End of the World
Episode: The Apocalypse We Need: #metoo and Transformative Justice Part 1 Brainstorm final paper topic ideas and develop at least two guiding research questions in preparation for live twitter chat Friday. (If your second podcast is related to your final paper, you’re ahead of the game here!)
Friday, November 9th | Solidarity Reconsidered
Class Format: Twitter Live Chat!
- Readings: FTR p.608-628 (Namaste, McRobbie, Ndlovu); and PDF: Andi Ziesler, “Our Beyoncé’s, Ourselves: Celebrity Feminisms” pages 111-137.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet (Email)
- Special Note: Do not come to class-Professor at NWSA. Instead, we will have a live twitter chat to discuss your final paper topics. At 9:30AM-10:45AM, you will tweet your ideas to the class hashtag, along with which readings you might use for your paper. Then, follow our hashtag conversation and respond to your classmates ideas. The goal here is to have a “twitter chat” with your classmates to help one another think through the topic and the readings. Feedback should be more useful than “this is great!” and should be more like “This is great. What if you could narrow the topic down by focusing on X, and then use Y theorist to make the argument” or “You can expand on the podcast topic for the final paper by doing x with y and maybe z.”
Tuesday, November 13th | Bodies and Affects
- Readings: FTR p. 493-524 (including boxes on Deleuze, Sandoval, Spivak, and Harvey; essay by Jaggar); and PDF Cooper “White Girl tears” pages 203-238
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: Last day for student-elected Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option. Reminder to check in with professor about second podcast by Tuesday November 13th.
Hybrid Time: Listen to: Stuff Mom Never Told You Episode: Emotional Labor is Labor!
Friday, November 16th | Bodies and Affect, continued
- Readings: FTR p. 525-556 (Davis, Ahmed, Judd); and **TW: Sexual Assault, Violence** PDF: Allison, “From Two or Three Things I Know for Sure” p. 436-453.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Tuesday November 20th: Second Podcast DUE by 11:59PM
Tuesday, November 20th | Imagine Otherwise
- Readings: FTR p. 576-593 (Lee, Parreñas)
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Hybrid Time: Develop a thesis statement and a draft paper outline that includes 2-4 sources from class and 2 outside sources. The outline should look something like #2 or #3 on this “Writing an Outline” tool in terms of length/structure. Email the thesis and outline document by 11:59PM Sunday November 25th. You will receive feedback by Tuesday November 27th…the sooner you send me the outline, the better!
Friday, November 23rd | Thanksgiving Recess
Sunday November 25th: Your final paper outline is due to professor by 11:59PM.
Tuesday, November 27th | Imagine Otherwise, continued
- Readings: Read in this order PDF: Haraway “Cyborg Manifesto”; FTR p. 594-607 (Puar); PDF: Gaard, Greta “Ecofeminism Revisited”
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: SEIs November 26 – December 10
Hybrid Time: Listen to: Bitch Media Episode: Backtalk: We Don’t Need to be Civil to Inhumane People. Review outline feedback and begin drafting your final essay. Draft due by next Tuesday morning.
Friday, November 30th | Imagine Otherwise, continued
- Readings: PDF: “Introduction: We are Born in Flames” by Craig Willse and Dean Spade; PDF: Stephen Dillon “’It’s here, it’s that time:’” p. 38-51, and PDF: Cross “Feminist Constitution” p. 62-72.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
Tuesday, December 4th | Imagine Otherwise, continued
- Readings: PDF Shalk: “Introduction to BODYMINDS REIMAGINED” pages 1-31; and PDF Alison Kafer “Debating Feminist Future” in Feminist, Queer, Crip pages 69-85; and PDF: Banet-Wesier, Susan “Introduction” to Empowered: Popular Feminism and Popular Misogyny.
- Assignment Due: Comprehension Sheet
- Special Note: Final paper draft due in class. You will exchange your draft essay with a classmate in class. Each student will then use their hybrid time providing substantial peer review prior to Thursday so classmate has time to incorporate for Friday.
Hybrid Time: Listen to Imagine Otherwise Episode: Simone Browne on Resisting Surveillance & Creative Collaborations
Friday, December 7th | Imagine Otherwise, continued
- Readings:
- Required: Ahmed, Sarah “Bringing Feminist Theory Home” from Living a Feminist Life.
- Suggested: PDF Jackson, Sarah J, Moya Bailey, and Brooke Foucault Welles. 2018. “#GirlsLikeUs: Trans Advocacy and Community Building Online.” New Media & Society 20 (5): 1868–88 (Open Access and available online.)
- Special Note: Last day of class. Today we will workshop the final paper drafts and talk through the peer reviews. Bring your reviewed essay!
Monday December 10th | Final Paper Due!
Submit your final paper to my mailbox at Southside house; make sure to attach the thesis/outline document and the 4-page draft (the versions with my notes/classmates’ notes on them).
Friday, December 14th | Final Exam Day
Assignment Due: 3-minute paper presentation
Special Note: 10:15 AM 12:15 PM