1. To make a survey you’ll have to start making your questions. The toolbar on the right has many options to add things to your form.Toolbar located on the right of the form has 5 options
  2. The first one is to add a new question. Click on the + icon add another question to your form.
    top option on the toolbar is add question
  3. The second T icon is to add a title and description to the form.  This is a way to categorize your questions or explain it more. Click on the second icon to have it added below the current attribute you have selected on your form.
     second option on the toolbar is add title and descriptionA new Title and description section newly added in between two questions
  4. The third icon allows you to add an image to your form. Click on the icon to have the following small-screen asking to upload an image to display. The options to upload are Upload, Take a snapshot, By URL, Your albums, Google Drive, Search. Once you upload it will appear below the current attribute you have selected on your form.
     third option on the toolbar is add image Insert Image window opens, Upload option is loaded with button choose an image to upload, Select button located on the bottom left of the window View of an image of the Periodic table uploaded onto the form, Image Title is written above the image
  5. The fourth is to add a video to your form. Click on the video icon to have the following small-screen, asking to search the youtube video or put in the URL. Once you upload it will appear below the current attribute you have selected on your form.
      Fourth option on the toolbar is add video
    Select Video window YouTube option with search bar, and Select button located in the bottom left of the videoView of a video of the Periodic table song uploaded onto the form, Untitled Video is written above the video
  6. The last one is to add a new section to your form. Click on the bottom icon to have it added below the current attribute you have selected on your form.
      Bottom option on the toolbar is add sectionView of Section shows a gap between the last section and new section, Section Title and description are untitled
  7. Want to learn how to create a quiz go Construct your Quiz with Google Forms.