1. If you have a video with audio, the audio will be automatically merged with the video. If you want to separate them, right-click on the clip and select Detach Audio. Now you’re video and audio will be independent of each other.
    Clip on Main track right-clicked, option detached audio, circled
    Detached audio now located underneath original clip, circled
  2. To extend or shorten the time duration of a clip just click and drag from their far edges. This operation may cut some content from the video or audio clip.
    End of track moved left of right to extend or shrink clip, circlec
  3. To extend or shorten video clips without cutting or looping the content you must change the playback speed, right-click on the content and select Show Speed Editor.
    Clip on track right-clicked with option show speed editor highlighted, circled
  4. A thin black line appears right above the clip here. If you click and drag the marker to the left, the video will speed up to finish the video within the new timeframe. If you drag the marker to the right your video will slow down to fill the new timeframe. These are distinguished by the rabbit or turtle symbol.

    Thin black speed editor line, drag icon on the end, circled, and rabbit icon indicating speed up, circledThin black speed editor line, drag icon on the end dragged to the right, circled, and turtle icon indicating slowed down, circled
  5. You can copy and paste any clip by using your key shortcuts like you would for any word document (Command + C and Command + V). When you paste your clip it’s placed where your cursor is on the Timeline.
    Pasted clip section to the left of the originally copied clip, labeled
  6. If you just want to cut a part of your video just hold the R key on your keyboard and click and drag on the clip section you want to remove. Then use the cut shortcut on your keyboard (Command + X). When you cut, only the selected area will be affected.

    Selected area to be Cut out on the main clip, circledCut out affected area that has been removed on the main clip, circled
  7. You can split a clip by right-clicking the spot you want to split and selecting Split Clip. This will only affect clips on the Main track.
    Clip on track right-clicked with option Split Clip highlighted, circled
  8. To create a fade in/out in a clip hover over a visible clip until a marker appears on both edges of the clip. Click and drag this marker to create fade transitions. This can not be done on the Main track.
    On a side track clip to fade icon appear at the top corners of the clip, arrows pointing inwards to represent a fade, circled
  9. To add transitions between clips on the Main track go to the Transitions tab in the Panels section. Choose the one you want to use and drag and drop it between two Main clips.
    Panel section, top left, Transitions tab swap transition selected and arrow representing dragged between two clips
  10. Adjust the volume of audio by hovering over an audio clip and click and drag up or down to increase or decrease the volume uniformly.
    Detached audio marked 40%, circled
  11. You can add texts and titles by going to the Panels section and clicking on the Titles tab.
    Panels section, left side, Titles tab circled
  12. Choose one of the Title options and drag and drop it onto your Timeline.
    Title tab, Gravity option dragged and dropped to the front of the main clip
  13. Edit it by clicking on the Title clip in the Timeline and then select the edit tool in the Video Preview. Type in the text box on the preview to write in it and change aspects of it with the options above.
    Title above Main clip circled. Title Text here on Preview, top right, circled. Text edit tool on tool bar above preview window, circled.
  14. That’s some basics on how to edit your video in iMovie. Next, we’ll talk about saving and producing your project.