1. To present your slideshow click on the Present tab, located on the top right. This will start your presentation with your current slide, not the beginning.
    Google slides, slideshow loaded, Present button top right corner, circled
  2. If you click the arrow to the right on the Present tab these options will appear. Select Present from beginning to start your slideshow from slide 1.
    Present arrow button drop down options Presenter view and Present from beginning, circled.
  3. Once you do either Step 1 or 2, it’ll open up in full-screen mode and a small toolbar will appear on the bottom.
    Toolbar located on the bottom left, circled
  4. The controls are very similar to PowerPoint. You can flip through the slides by pressing the arrow buttons here or by pressing the arrow keys on your keyboard.
    Left of the toolbar arrow keys and play button, circled
  5. You even have a laser pointer within the user. It’s located here on the toolbar. Once you click it, your cursor will turn into the laser pointer and look like this. User tools Q&A, Notes, and Pointer, circled. Example of red laser pointer on screen, circled
  6. Exit full-screen mode anytime by clicking on the EXIT button on the toolbar or by clicking your ESC key on your keyboard.
    Exit full screen, Settings and Exit button located on the right of the toolbar, circled.