Google Slides is an online presentation app that lets you create and format presentations and work with other people.

  1. First, select Google Slides from your Google account.
    Clicked on Google Apps , scrolled down to the yellow Google Slides icon
  2. Then you’ll want to create a new slideshow by clicking on this blank new slideshow button.
    Google Slides main page, Under Start a new Presentation, Blank is circled
  3. When your new Google Slideshow opens a list of themes will appear on the right. Scroll through and choose what theme you’d like to use.
    New Google Slide, Themes listed on the right, scroll down for more, circled
  4. After picking your theme, rename your Slideshow on the top left.
    Untitled Presentation title, top left, circled
  5. To add a new slide click on the Slide tab.
    Slide tab on top toolbar, sub tabs New Slide, Duplicate Slide, Delete Slide, and Skip Slide circled.
  6. That’s the basics of getting started with Google Slides. Go to our other Google Slides post to learn about Layouts and Presenting. Remember this is very similar to PowerPoint.
    Google slide page with two slides are the left.