February 16, 2021February 2, 2022Nancy Heiz Ottaway Visiting Professor Tammy Kim Presents Q&A with President Christian
February 11, 2021February 11, 2021Nancy Heiz Free, Virtual Day-Long State of the Journalism Field Seminar Slated for March 6 for New York Journalism Students and Journalists
February 9, 2021September 29, 2021Nancy Heiz Hearst Seeking Freelance Reporters for Points North, an Upstate Regional News Site
January 15, 2021February 2, 2022Nancy Heiz Digital Media, Journalism and Management Interns Needed for the Legislative Gazette in Albany and Remote; Scholarships Available
October 14, 2020February 9, 2022Nancy Heiz Consider Applying for the Carole Fielding Production or Research Grant
March 19, 2020August 19, 2024Nancy Heiz Want to Declare a DMJ or Comm Major or Minor? Here’s the Paperwork…