Take Notice of Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

Here are some important dates that are coming up.

Oct. 25 – Nov. 19 – Declaration Moratorium. Students cannot declare a major or minor during this time. This is a campus-wide policy. If you need to declare your major in order to register for spring ’21 courses, you must declare before Oct. 25.

Oct. 29 – Last day for course withdrawal.

Dec. 6 – Last day to elect Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option

Remember to always check the Academic Calendar  for important dates and deadlines.

Check Academic Calendar for this Semester’s Altered Schedule

With this semester’s unique schedule, make sure you stay updated with the academic calendar and watch for upcoming deadlines. You can find the academic calendar here or by visiting newpaltz.edu and clicking “Academics” then “Academic Calendar.” Make sure you are on the fall 2020 calendar. Pay particular attention to national holidays that are instructional days this semester, including Labor Day this Monday.

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