Video Production Volunteers Needed Wed., Oct. 4 from about 12-5pm to Film An Emergency Response Drill

Attention Digital Media Production Students — See below for an opportunity to volunteer, gain experience, and be part of a big event:
Needed: 1-2 volunteers to help film an emergency drill event at Woodland Pond Senior Living Center in New Paltz, NY. This will be a larger scale drill which will include New Paltz Fire Department, Ulster Fire Department, EMS, and many other surrounding first responders.
The event will take place October 4th, from around 12-5pm (this is a tentative time as the coordinators at Woodland Pond are still planning!)
I would need someone to assist me with audio and some camera operation for the event; you would be following me as I go through the campus shooting the event.
There has not been a drill of this scale done in Ulster County, so there will definitely be potential for local news coverage experience and exposure.
If you are interested or have any questions, please call/text Isabella at (845) 399-7351 or email