Summer Courses Offered in the DMJ Department

Summer courses are a great way to catch up or get ahead with credits. Some summer courses are offered online, which means that you can complete them from anywhere you have internet service, but some production courses are being taught on campus. This summer the DMJ department is offering the following classes:

  • DMJ 215 Digital Storytelling
  • DMJ224 Introduction to Media Programming and Management, taught by Joseph Vlachos
  • DMJ331 History of American TV, taught by Gregg Bray
  • DMJ101 Media and Society, taught by Joseph Vlachos
  • DMJ434 Global Media, taught by Jerry Persaud
  • DMJ 343 Aesthetics and Criticism of Television and Web Video, taught by Jerry Persaud
  • DMJ347 Media Ethics, taught by Howard Good
  • DMJ 340 TV Studio Production, taught by Megan Sperry
  • DMJ 445 Seminar in Digital Filmmaking, taught by Gregg Bray

Registration for the summer session opens on April 12. You do not need your advisor’s permission to register for summer courses. Be sure to check the start and end dates of each class on the Summer 2021 schedule of classes.

Visit the Summer site: