Google Fusion Assignment

Hi, my topic is different types of dogs!

Card layout:


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I included 10 different breeds of dogs and my categories were name of animal, location of origin, country of origin, average life span, image, and size. To see this information you can checkout my google spreadsheet, the link is below!



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This map corresponds to the location of origin of each dog. There are not 10 individual circles because many dogs came from the United Kingdom and Germany, therefore the dots are clustered together to look like only one.

Bar Graph:

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This bar graph is comparing the average life span of different types of dogs. Yorkshire terrier’s have the highest mortality rate while Bull dogs have the lowest.


Pie Chart:

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In my pie chart I compared the different sizes of the 10 breeds of dogs I chose.

Network Visualizations Graph:

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In this graph I decided to use country of origin because many dogs originate in the same location. For example, the United Kingdom is where Bulldogs, Golden Retrievers, American Pitbull Terirer’s, and Yorkshire Terrier’s originated. A network visualization graph allows this information to be clearly communicated seamlessly to the viewer.


To check out this information on the google fusion tables website click the link below:

Spring Must be Here: Baseball and Numbers, Together Again

My Fusion Tables Link and Google Sheets Link

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Pictures and facts for all ten New York starting pitchers.
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This heat map accentuates New England and the Dominican Republic; both areas are home to two NY pitchers. Masahiro Tanaka, a recent signee from Japan, is the only pitcher not from the Western Hemisphere.
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Although CC Sabathia stands alone with 14 years, the network of Harvey, Wheeler and Pineda can be seen together, each having 2 years pitched.
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Bartolo Colon and CC Sabathia represent more than half of the collective professional experience of the pitchers.
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Note the overall slope, as velocity decreases with age.
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The majority of the NY pitchers are under 30, and Bartolo Colon is timeless.

If you made it this far thinking about baseball and numbers, Congratulations! Let’s elect the pitcher with the “Best Hair”:

Jenrry Mejia
Jacob DeGrom


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Hello fellow classmates, I’m Brian. I’m a junior/senior (its close), and I love maps, my atlas and globe, as well as just about anything else that conveys geographical information. I look forward to combining my appreciation for maps with Holmes and Watson’s criminal cases throughout Victorian London. I also hope to incorporate my love of music into the digital humanities course in some way. Overall, I am intrigued by this interesting course, and I look forward to all that we will cover.

Google Fusion Lab: Earthquake Magnitudes Greater Than 8 Since 2006

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Works Cited

“Earthquake Hazards Program.” Earthquake Hazards Program. U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey, 14 Apr. 2014. Web. 26 Sept. 2014.

By Mary Dellas