Rachel Crook’s Introductory Post

Hello, my name is Rachel and I’m a freshman. My current plan is to major in English with a concentration in creative writing but I have many academic interests such as art history, philosophy, and education. Outside of school I sell furniture at Libby’s in Torrington, CT- hit me up for some discounts on shipping- and I’m also a senior counselor at Boulder Ridge Day Camp. I hope to learn more about computers and to get to know you all in this class!

– Rachel

Introduction to Emma Tomicic

Hey everybody! I am a freshman and I’m (planning on) majoring in English and minoring in Art History. My interests include reading, watching movies and TV shows like Parks and Rec, Sherlock, Sense8,  and classic British comedy shows, among others. I’m a big foodie and I love traveling, especially to Croatia where all my family is from.