The Dawn of Evolution and its Rise.

We all know Charles Darwin, the man who crafted the theory of evolution, one of the most controversial topics that have shaped modern science.  Whether you like it or not he told us that we share a common ancestor with chimpanzees, I hope you fall with the group that thinks it’s cool or really doesn’t care, since chimps are actually quite intelligent and can be capable of sign language (don’t dismiss them as dumb monkeys because maybe in a thousands years they may rule the earth).  Evolution has caused a huge rift within the world as creationism was thought to be the reason for our origin.  Religion was a big part of everyone’s life and when Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, evolution’s use skyrocketed within the year.

In the Ngrams there is one very interesting trend in both the examples. Capitalization will alter your results drastically.  This is especially important for names as “charles darwin” has a low result compared to “Charles Darwin,” even “Evolution” and “evolution” come up with different results.

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Even after On the Origin of Species was published, Darwin’s name has not seen too much of an increase in use until about 1880.  It has however seen a small upward trend after his second book on evolutionary theory, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex was published in 1871. The biggest increase of the use of his name came after his death on April 19th, 1882.

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We should call this contraction the charles darwin! Quick! We need to patent this!


Evolution however, has seen its usage grow and grow for many decades as scientists, philosophers and other scholars have become interested in the topic and started researching it themselves.  It is important to keep in mind that the evolution has many different definitions but its rise seems to be no coincidence however, as from 1859 the graph looks almost like the stock market in the roaring twenties.  My comparison isn’t too far fetched as towards 1900, evolution shows a sharp decrease.  Maybe discussion of evolution has started to subside, but it wasn’t too long before the Supreme Court of Tennessee will increase usage of the word to denote humans evolving.

Google Ngram Viewer

Anthropology has an ugly, racist history. The earliest armchair anthropologists had a tendency to judge and write about other cultures based solely on their own morality and philosophy. The term ‘armchair anthropology’ stems from that idea. People were not actively studying other cultures in the field but rather creating prejudices against them from their imaginations. My strong interest in anthropology and curiosity of early anthropologists’ perceptions of other cultures inspired me to search the words “primitive, culture, and evolution”. The term ‘primitive’ was often used in a negative connotation by early anthropologists to describe “inferior” cultures. Evolutionary theory was a controversial idea in the late 1800s when it gained media coverage. The graph below shows the correlation between these concepts from the span of years 1800-1900.


The term ‘primitive’ was a term that appeared often in early Victorian literature. Many people viewed other cultures and societies and being primitive and below their own culture. Evolution is not a widespread concept until the late 1800s when Darwin reveals his own version of natural selection. From that point forward it rapidly increased in publications. Culture is another term that occurs more frequently in texts with the progression of time. It was interesting to see the small drop from 1800 to about 1825 in regards to culture in literature. ‘Culture’ and ‘primitive’ cross paths around 1870 which is near the time when early anthropologist Edward B. Tylor published, “Primitive Culture”. Tylor’s definition of culture is one of the most recognized contributions to anthropology:

“Culture, or civilization, taken in its broad, ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” —Tylor

My second Ngram was more of an experiment just for fun. I was playing around with different terms when I decided to search “love, sex, and desire”. I have always been interested in the way that these terms were discussed in Victorian-era literature. Many classic canonical works are from this time period and focus their plot around love and desire. It was to my understanding that sex was not something necessarily acceptable to talk about casually in public or in literature. The graph below shows the frequency of these three terms in literature from 1800-1900.


Love appears to be a very popular term used in literature of this time period. This was something I anticipated with my own knowledge of Victorian literature. The various dips and curves in the frequency throughout the years struck me as interesting. I wonder what contextual factors led to a decline or rise in the discussion of love. Desire is a term I often associate with love which is why I included it. I was intrigued by how frequent it actually occurred throughout the century. Even though sex was not bluntly talked about in texts, desire and lust may have been more socially appropriate or acceptable terms to describe sexual feelings. The Google Ngram platform is an amazing tool to perform distant reading. It allows one to search using several filters to toggle what they wish to examine. Although it does not give you context, which is a criticism that Underwood talks about in his article, it does provide you with a general understanding of a certain topic, theme, or author that can be analyzed in a multitude of lenses.

Google Ngrams

Ngram 1- Gender, sex, politics


Ngram 2- Race, homosexuality, evolution


Referencing the Branch Collective website, I chose these terms after looking at their topic clusters page. I mostly focused on their identity section, pulling words such as gender, sex, race, homosexuality. I added politics and evolution because I thought it seemed relevant, given that talking about gender and sex is often taken into a political context, and since they are fairly controversial topics I also added in evolution. As you can see from these Ngram charts, as I expected, gender and homosexuality are barely mentioned in literature during this time period. Also evolution was very low on the chart until about 1870 which makes sense because it was around that time Darwin started publishing his theories. I find it interesting that during the early 1800’s sex was mentioned more than politics, and then in the 1830’s they switch. Clearly politics became more important/popular to write about than sex. Race is mentioned pretty heavily all throughout this period and is on the incline. As time goes on, especially in literature today, I would expect almost all of these words to increase.

Google Ngram definitely helps to see trends in literature during specific time periods, but as the blog post by Ted Underwood explains, it really doesn’t give much context. Although we know that race was talked about frequently during this time period, we have no idea how it was being talked about. Similarly with the word sex. Was it so high because Google books has a lot of erotic novels from this time period? We have no idea what type of books they are taking from to make these charts.

I do like the visualization aspect about these charts, but once again this information can’t stand alone and we need to look further to find more context for the words.